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An automated microscope inspection system for inspecting the status of ball spacer and seal in the cell process of LCD panel

An automated microscope inspection system for inspecting the status of ball spacer and seal in the cell process of LCD panel
Kim, Yoon-GuAn, JinungLee, Ki-Dong
Issued Date
ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, ICCAS-SICE 2009, pp.5524 - 5528
Conference Paper
In this paper the design and development of an automated microscope measurement system for inspecting the dispensing status of ball spacers and the printing status of seal in the cell process of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel is introduced and explained. In the cell process of LCD production, it is a very important process to inspect in real-time, or in-line process whether the spacers are dispensed evenly in order to secure the fixed cell gap when assembling the upper and lower plate, and whether the seal is properly printed with a specified width so as to secure the attachment of both plates, the chamber of liquid crystal, and the standard boundary gap. We have therefore developed an automated microscope system to perform the above-mentioned inspections that may determine the quality of LCD product through on the spot. We have verified the performance and efficiency of the developed inspection system through the installation and operation in in-line process of LCD panel production. © 2009 SICE.
Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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