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DC Field Value Language Han, MiHee - Choi, Arum - 2022-07-12T05:14:15Z - 2022-07-12T05:14:15Z - 2022-07-12 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract A manual guides you on searching, browsing, analyzing, and managing references using library resources and free search engines.

1) It deals with the differences, features, and usage of databases for searching journal articles such as Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar.

2) It introduces JCR and Journal Impact Factor(JIF), which search for journal information and rankings.

3) It deals with managing references using reference tools such as EndNote and Mendeley.

4) A list of academic databases and online journals subscribed by DGIST library in 2022 is attached as an appendix.

[ Table of Contents ]

1. Resources Discovery

1-1. Library Website

1-2. Web of Science

1-3. Scopus

1-4. ScienceDirect

1-5. Google Scholar

2. Browse Journals

2-1. JCR

3. Managing References

3-1. EndNote

3-2. Mendeley

4. Finding Collaborators

4-1. DGIST Scholar

4-2. STAR Library
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher DGIST Library en_US
dc.subject references en_US
dc.subject search en_US
dc.subject articles en_US
dc.subject journals en_US
dc.subject library en_US
dc.subject resources en_US
dc.title How to Use Library E-Resources Effectively en_US
dc.title.alternative (과학기술 연구자를 위한) 논문 검색 관리 한 권에 끝내기 en_US
dc.type Book en_US
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthor Han, MiHee -
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthor Choi, Arum -
dc.identifier.citationStartPage 1 en_US
dc.identifier.citationEndPage 52 en_US
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How to Use Library E-Resources Effectively.pdf

How to Use Library E-Resources Effectively.pdf

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