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Transformation Mechanism of Quantum-Sized Semic... Yang, Jiwoong

Semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots are renowned for their remarkable properties, including tu...

(Invited) Engineering Microenvironments for Pho... Kim, Chanyeon Bell, Alexis T.

Due to the escalating crisis of global warming, carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion has garnered sign...

BEV Image-based Lane Tracking Control System fo... Seo, Junghyun Jeon, Hyeonjae Choi, Joonyoung Woo, Kwangho Lim, Yongseob et al

In this paper, we present a novel study on a BEV (bird’s eye view) image-based lane tracking cont...

Magnon Characteristics in Metallic Bilayers thr... Nguyễn, Thanh Hương Thi Lee, Nyun Jong Shiota, Yoichi Lee, Hyun-Woo Hong, Jung-Il et al

Magnon, quasi-particles arising from collective mode of spin excitations in magnetic materials, p...


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Latest DGIST Research News

slide image 0 DGIST Pioneered an Unknown Quantum World by Discovering a “1/3” Fractional Quantum State!

A joint research team from DGIST and KAIST, in collaboration with Japanese and German researchers, discovered an unprecedented 1/3 fractional quantum Hall state

2025-01-31 Read more
slide image 1 Smart Textile to Sense Light, Pressure, Smell, and Even Taste—Successfully Developed Next-Gen Fibers That Will Change the Future of Wearable Technologies

Joint research team from DGIST, KAIST, Ajou University, and Soongsil University successfully developed next-gen fibers with a multifunctional and three-dimensional structure

2025-01-31 Read more
slide image 2 Produce and Store Energy? DGIST Successfully Developed Next-Gen Eco-Friendly Artificial Muscle Fibers

A research team led by Senior Researcher Sangkyoo Lim has successfully developed biomass-based shape memory polymer fibers capable of simultaneously producing and storing energy.

2025-01-31 Read more


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