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리튬이온전지의 전해액 자체 난연성 평가시 측정변수 및실제 전지 환경 모사에 따른 영향 박승수 김건영 이홍경

리튬이온전지에서 열폭주는 안전성에 큰 위협이 되는 요인이다. 따라서, 열폭주를 억제하기 위해 초기 단계에서 전해액의 난연성 확보가 중요하다. 하지만, 난연성 평가의 주요 지표...

When and How Does Leader Boundary Spanning Beha... Mah, Sunghyuck Lee, Jihye Cho, Yoonju Yun, Seokhwa

Active resourcing and buffering across formal organizational boundaries are becoming increasingly...

지속가능 발전목표(SDGs)의 관점에서 본 지역 목재활용과 제품개발 사례연구 - 일본... 박종래

This study delves into instances of regional wood utilization and the development of wood product...

DMT 3L4W: A 3-Lane 4-Wire Signaling With Discre... Jang, Seoyoung Lee, Jaewon Choi, Yujin Kim, Donggeon Kim, Gain

This work presents a multi-lane transceiver (TRX) architecture with discrete multitone (DMT) modu...


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(과학기술 연구자를 위한) 논문 검색 관리 한 권에 끝내기 2022 Edition (과학기술 연구자를 위한) 논문 검색 관리 한 권에 끝내기 2022 Edition Kim, Kay Han, MiHee Choi, Arum

논문을 검색하고 발견하고 분석하는 것에서부터 검색한 논문을 관리하고 논문을 작성하는 것까지 무료 검색엔진과 도서관 구독자원을 활용하는 매뉴얼.<br> 1)문헌검색과...

Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) Activities of Pt-Ni Alloy Nanoparticles Supported on Graphene Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) Activities of P... Suh, Won Kyo

Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) has been studied widely due to its higher energy e...

Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches Minimal information for studies of extracellula... Théry, Clotilde Witwer, Kenneth W. Welsh, Joshua A. Goberdhan, Deborah C. I. O'Driscoll, Lorraine et al

Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of...

문헌검색과 논문읽기: (1)문헌검색 문헌검색과 논문읽기: (1)문헌검색 Kay Kim

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Latest DGIST Research News

slide image 0 New fuel cell catalyst enhances longevity and reduces cost for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)

A new fuel cell catalyst made from platinum and magnesium delivers exceptional efficiency and durability, potentially transforming clean energy technology.

2024-09-10 Read more
slide image 1 An important secret to preventing cell damage: The working principle of PAC channels has been revealed!

- DGIST Professor Seo Byeong-Chan’s research team is the first in the world to discover how PAC channels work. - Their research has revealed a method to prevent cell edema and tissue damage, which may help treat cancer and brain diseases.

2024-09-10 Read more
slide image 2 Developing innovative new display technologies! Create ultrahigh-definition screens efficiently!

- A joint research team from DGIST, UNIST, and IBS has developed a double-layer dry transfer printing technology that simultaneously transfers light-emitting and electron-transferring layers onto a substrate, enhancing AR/VR immersion. - Research results have been published in Nature Photonics.

2024-08-30 Read more


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