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최적 배양 조건을 이용한 CO2 제거 목적의 담수 미세조류 Parachlorella kessleri의 바이오매스 생산성 향상

최적 배양 조건을 이용한 CO2 제거 목적의 담수 미세조류 Parachlorella kessleri의 바이오매스 생산성 향상
Alternative Title
Enhanced Biomass Productivity of Freshwater microalga, Parachlorella kessleri for Fixation of Atmospheric CO2 Using Optimal Culture Conditions
Issued Date
Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology, v.16, no.1, pp.36 - 44
Author Keywords
microalgaeParachlorellaCO2 fixationgas flow ratephotobioreactor
This study attempted to improve the growth of the freshwater microalgae, Parachlorella kessleri, through the sequential optimization of culture conditions. This attempt aimed to enhance the microalgae's ability to fixate atmospheric CO2. Culture temperature and light intensity appropriate for microalgal growth were scanned using a high-throughput photobioreactor system. The supplied air flow rate varied from 0.05 to 0.3 vvm, and its effect on the growth rate of P. kessleri was determined. Next, sodium phosphate buffer was added to the culture medium (BG11) to enhance CO2 fixation by increasing the availability of CO2(HCO3-) in the culture medium. The results indicated that optimal culture temperature and light intensity were 20°C-25°C and 300 μE/m2/s, respectively. Growth rates of P. kessleri under various air flow rates highly depended on the increase of the culture's flow rate and pH which determines CO2 availability. Adding sodium phosphate buffer to BG11 to maintain a constant neutral pH (7.0) improved microalgal growth compared to control conditions (BG11 without sodium phosphate). These results indicate that the CO2 fixation rate in the air could be enhanced via the sequential optimization of microalgal culture conditions.
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  • Research Interests Fuel Cell System; 연료전지시스템; Self Hydrogen Production & Supply System; 자가 수소생산공급시스템; Hybrid Power System; 하이브리드 전원시스템; Intergated Control System; 통합제어시스템; Sensor Networks; 센서네트워크
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