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Individual Indentification and Parentage Verification of Thoroughbred Horses and the Korean Native Horses Based on Microsatellite Loci in Korea

Individual Indentification and Parentage Verification of Thoroughbred Horses and the Korean Native Horses Based on Microsatellite Loci in Korea
Choi, Seoung KyoonLee, Sun YoungCho, Gil Jae
Issued Date
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, v.11, no.15, pp.2647 - 2651
Author Keywords
Genotypehorsemicrosatelliteparentage verificationproductsKorea
GenotypeHorseKoreaMicrosatelliteParentage VerificationPRODUCTS
This study was performed for individual identification and parentage verification of Thoroughbred Horse (TBH) and the Korean Native Horse (KNH). A total number of 1,308 (84 KNH and 1,224 TBH samples including 1,005 foals for parentage testing) were genotyped. Genomic DNAs were extracted from whole blood or hair roots and genotyped by using 14 microsatellite markers (AHT4, AHT5, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, CA425, HMS1, HMS3, HMS6, HMS7, HTG4, HTG10, LEX3 and VHL20) in TBH and 17 microsatellite markers including HMS2, HTG6, HTG7 in the KNH. This method consisted of multiplexing PCR procedure and showed reasonable amplification of allPCR products. Genotyping were determined with an ABI 3100 genetic analyzer. All the loci analyzed in 17 microsatellite markers showed a polymorphic patterns. The number of alleles per locus varied from 3-9 with a mean value of 6.36 and 5-10 (mean 7.35) in TBH and KNH, respectively. The expected heterozygosity was ranged from 0.539-0.827 (mean 0.700), from 0.387-0.841 (mean 0.702) in TBH and the KNH, respectively. The total exclusion probability of 14 microsatellite loci was 0.9998 in TBH and 0.9999 in the KNH. Of the 14-17 markers, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, HMS7, HTG10 andLEX3 loci in TBH and AHT4, AHT5, CA425, HMS2, HMS3, HTG10 andLEX3 loci in the KNH have relatively high PIC value (>0.7). Of the 1005 foals, 1003 foals (99.80%) were qualified by compatibility according to the Mendelian fashion. These results indicated that the present microsatellites serve as useful tools for individual identification and paternity testing of TBH and the KNH in Korea. © Medwell Journals, 2012.
Medwell Publishing
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