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DC Field Value Language 이동하 - 손병락 - 강원석 - 권오석 - 2020-02-25T02:49:45Z - 2020-02-25T02:49:45Z -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The present invention relates to a life jacket based on a fuel cell that can store hydrogen fuel in it. Particularly, the present invention provides a fuel cell based life jacket that can utilize electricity, heat and water generated during the operation of a fuel cell as a power source of a life extension tool and a personal location beacon. The fuel cell based life jacket of the present invention comprises a fuel cell unit for supplying electricity, a hydrogen fuel supply unit for storing and supplying the hydrogen fuel required for the fuel cell unit to generate electricity, a signal output unit for transmitting a signal using the electricity generated by the fuel cell unit, and a heat generating unit for recovering and transferring the heat generated in the fuel cell unit, wherein the hydrogen fuel supply unit generates hydrogen by using a hydrogen generation composition. -
dc.title 연료전지 기반 구명동의 -
dc.title.alternative Fuel Cell Based Life Jacket -
dc.type Patent - US -
dc.identifier.patentApplicationNumber 16-317203 - 2019-01-11 -
dc.identifier.patentRegistrationNumber 10-464-643 - 2019-11-05 -
dc.contributor.assignee (재)대구경북과학기술원(100/100) -
dc.type.iprs 특허 -
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Division of Intelligent Robot 3. Patents
Division of Energy & Environmental Technology 3. Patents


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