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DC Field Value Language 이경민 - 전원배 - 정권수 - 2020-02-25T02:56:13Z - 2020-02-25T02:56:13Z -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Disclosed are a dopaminergic neuron-like cell cluster exhibiting a far higher level of a dopaminergic neuron marker, compared to conventional 2D or 3D cultured cells, and a method for preparing the same. The cell cluster can be more effectively differentiated into dopaminergic neurons in the presence of a differentiation-inducing factor, so that it is suitable for use in studying neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. In addition, the cell cluster can express factors reinforcing intercellular interaction at an improved level, and is free of cellular toxicity and safe to the body, easy to culture with high productivity, superior in biocompatibility, and highly unlikely to undergo mutations. Also provided is a dish for culturing a 3D dopaminergic neuron-like cell cluster on a mass scale; which guarantees the 3D dopaminergic neuron-like cell cluster superior biocompatibility, freedom of cellular toxicity, minimal mutagenicity, and improvement in the expression of factors reinforcing intercellular interaction. -
dc.title 도파민 뉴런 유사 세포군집체 및 그 제조방법 -
dc.title.alternative Dopaminergic neuron-like cell cluster and method for preparing the same -
dc.type Patent - GE -
dc.identifier.patentApplicationNumber EP14179316.6 - 2014-07-31 -
dc.identifier.patentRegistrationNumber EP2845899 - 2018-10-31 -
dc.contributor.assignee (재)대구경북과학기술원(100/100) -
dc.type.iprs 특허 -
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Division of Biomedical Technology 3. Patents


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