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차동기어를 이용한 전자식 브레이크장치

차동기어를 이용한 전자식 브레이크장치
Alternative Title
Electro-mechanical brake with differential gear
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URI EP14000834.3
There is provided an electro-mechanical brake with a differential gear. The electro-mechanical brake with a differential gear includes a driving unit that generates a rotational force by a power that is selectively applied along with the operation of the brake pedal by the user, a differential gear unit that is connected to the driving unit through a gear and in which a first shaft and a second shaft that are disposed in a straight line to serve as a rotational shaft are rotated in the same direction by the rotational force provided by the driving unit, an external braking unit that is connected to the first shaft of the differential gear unit through a gear to provide a braking power to an outer surface of the disc along with the rotation of the first shaft of the differential gear unit, and an internal braking unit that is connected to the second shaft of the differential gear unit through a gear to provide a braking power to an inner surface of the disc along with the rotation of the second shaft of the differential gear unit. When the driving unit is driven, the rotational force of the driving unit is transmitted to the differential gear unit, and the external braking unit and the internal braking unit that are connected to the differential gear unit simultaneously provide the braking powers to the disc along with the rotation of the differential gear unit.
Related Researcher
  • 진성호 Jin, Sungho
  • Research Interests Automotive Embedded System; 자동차 임베디드시스템; Embedded Software; 임베디드소프트웨어; IVN(In-Vehicle Network); 차량네트워크; EMB(Electro Mechanical Brake); 전기기계브리이크
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Division of Intelligent Robot 3. Patents
Division of Automotive Technology 3. Patents


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