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Method for Detecting Human Presence and Movement Using Impulse Radar

Method for Detecting Human Presence and Movement Using Impulse Radar
Park, Young-JinCho, Hui-Sup
Issued Date
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, v.5, no.4, pp.770 - 775
Author Keywords
UWB Impulse RadarHuman DetectingMachine LearningNoncontact measurement
Using non-invasive and non-contact sensors to measure a person's presence or movement helps improve the quality of life for both healthy people and patients. In this paper, a method of measuring the presence and motion of a person is proposed by utilizing UWB Impulse Radar, which is low power consumption and safe to radiate to the human body. The experimental stage of this study is divided into the stage of extracting features by signal processing from radar signals, the stage of generating datasets with 3~6 kinds of labels, and the stage of performing and verifying machine learning by imaging. In this experiment, a small number of images were used because only good quality signals were selected and used by radiating radar signals to the human body. The experiment result show high accuracy when using neural networks such as GoogLeNet and SqueezeNet. Experiments in this study confirmed that radar signals could be used to detect human presence and motion as a result of studies using the proposed method. © 2020 ASTES Publishers. All rights reserved.
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)
Related Researcher
  • 조희섭 Cho, Hui-Sup
  • Research Interests Biomedical Radar Signal Processing; 생체 레이더 신호 처리; Medical Image Processing; 의료 영상 처리; Embedded System; 임베디드 시스템; Real Time Operating System; 실시간 운영체제
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