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Control of Polymorphic Properties of Multivalent Vanadium Oxide Thin Films

Control of Polymorphic Properties of Multivalent Vanadium Oxide Thin Films
Allabergenov, BunyodYun, SanghunCho, Hui-SupLyu, Hong-KunChoi, Byeongdae
Issued Date
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, v.3, no.3, pp.1142 - 1150
Author Keywords
DC magnetron sputteringelectro-optical thermochromic thin filmsmultivalent vanadium oxidesphase transitionsslope stiffness
Stained glassStiffnessSubstratesVanadium dioxideVanadium pentoxideAnnealing temperaturesThin filmsAnnealingBorosilicate glassCrystallinityEnergy conservationBorosilicate glass substratesDirect current magnetron sputteringPolymorphic propertiesThermal hysteresis loopThermal treatment temperatureThermochromic propertiesVanadium oxide thin filmsOxide filmsOxides
In this study, VxOy thin films were deposited on borosilicate glass substrates using direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering. The optoelectronic thermochromic properties of the resulting multiphase vanadium oxide thin films were investigated. As-deposited (at 280 °C) films were annealed at 350, 450, and 500 °C in an oxygen atmosphere for 30 min in a tube furnace to improve the crystallinity. Structural analysis indicated the formation of a mixed-phase vanadium oxide film consisting of VO2(B), V4O9, and V2O5 phases on the amorphous substrate after annealing above 350 °C. The results showed that the semiconductor-to-metallic phase transition temperature of the vanadium oxide film increased from 48 to 63 °C with increasing annealing temperatures. The sample annealed at 450 °C exhibited the highest variation in the infrared (IR) transmittance (ÎTIR = 28.42%) and the resistivity switch decreased by two orders of magnitude (1.4 × 10-1-2.3 × 10-3 ω/cm). The thermal treatment temperature affected the width of the thermal hysteresis loop (HLW) and slope stiffness. A narrower HLW of 1.9 °C and a sharp slope stiffness of 8.74 were obtained for the sample annealed at 500 °C. The slope stiffness plays an important role in the fabrication of ultrafast tunable energy-saving smart windows and IR switches. ©
American Chemical Society
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  • Research Interests Biomedical Radar Signal Processing; 생체 레이더 신호 처리; Medical Image Processing; 의료 영상 처리; Embedded System; 임베디드 시스템; Real Time Operating System; 실시간 운영체제
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