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Molecular Mechanism of the Floral Organ Abscission in Arabidopsis

Molecular Mechanism of the Floral Organ Abscission in Arabidopsis
Xiaohong Wen
DGIST Authors
Xiaohong WenJune M. KwakYuree Lee
Yuree Lee
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Abscission, BOP1/2, de novo epidermal specification, KNAT1/BP, Single-cell RNA-seq, 탈리, BOP1/BOP2, 신규 표피세포 형성, KNAT1(BP), 단일 세포 RNA-seq
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ Introduction 1
1.1 Thesis Review and Organization 1
1.2 Plant Separation 3
1.3 Abscission 4
1.3.1 AZ formation and it's regulation by BOPs and KNAT1/BP 4
1.3.2 The abscission pathway 6
1.3.3 Coordination of RECs and SECs in the floral organ AZ of Arabidopsis 6
1.3.4 Post-abscission in the floral organ AZ of Arabidopsis 7
1.4 Apoplastic Diffusion Barrier in Plants 7
1.4.1 The formation of cuticle and the epidermal identity specification 7
1.4.2 The cuticle composition, biosynthesis, and functions 8
1.4.3 The role in plant organogenesis 10
1.5 Objectives and Signification 10
1.5.1 Identifying the mechanisms underlying the AZ cell identity and maintenance 10
1.5.2 Characterizing the de novo epidermal transdifferentiation in AZ 11
Ⅱ Single-cell (sc) RNA-sequencing Profiles the AZ cells 12
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Materials and Methods 14
2.2.1 Plant materials and growth condition 14
2.2.2 Plasmids construction and plant transformation 14
2.2.3 Microscopy and histological analysis 15
2.2.4 Protoplast isolation from floral organs and cell sorting by FACS 15
2.2.5 Single-cell RNA sequencing 16
2.2.6 Single-cell RNA-seq analysis 16
2.3 Results 17
2.3.1 scRNA-seq application in Arabidopsis floral organ AZ 17
2.3.2 Visualization of the AZ cells by UMAP algorithm 18
2.3.3 scRNA-seq analysis identifies the trajectory of epidermal transdifferentiation 19
2.3.4 Annotation analysis reveals different cellular activities of each state cells 20
2.3.5 Validation of scRNA-seq analysis in plants 22
2.3.6 The transition regulation of epidermal transdifferentiation 24
2.3.7 The investigation of progressive changes on the surface of REC after abscission 25
2.3.8 The bifurcating branches display the cellular heterogeneity 26
2.3.9 The activity of the STM-branch is necessary for epidermal development 30
2.4 Discussion 33
Ⅲ SECs’ analysis indicates the layered organization in AZ 37
3.1 Abstract 37
3.2 Materials and Methods 38
3.2.1 Plant materials and growth condition 38
3.2.2 Plasmids construction and plant transformation 38
3.2.3 Data analysis 38
3.3 Results 39
3.3.1 The developmental asynchronism among sepal, petal, and stamen during abscission 39
3.3.2 Layered growth feature revealed by clustering analysis coupled with validation 40
3.4 Discussion 44
Ⅳ Regulation of floral organ abscission by BP/KNAT1 47
4.1 Abstract 47
4.2 Materials and Methods 48
4.2.1 Plant materials and growth conditions 48
4.2.2 Primers, construction, and transgenic plants 49
4.2.3 Microscopy and histological analysis 49
4.2.4 EMS mutagenesis 49
4.2.6 ROS Inhibition and permeability assays 49
4.2.7 Fluorescence-activated cell sorting and RNA extraction 50
4.2.8 RNA extraction, cDNA biosynthesis, and sequencing 50
4.2.9 Data analysis 51
4.3 Results 51
4.3.1 The expression of BOP1, not BOP2 is excluded outside the AZ in the bp-3 mutant 51
4.3.2 Overexpression of BOPs partially rescues the premature abscission of bp-3 mutants 52
4.3.3 RNA-seq analysis reveals the potential cues for epidermal regulation by KNAT1/BP 54
4.4 Discussion 60
Ⅴ References 66
Acknowledgment 81
New Biology
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  • 곽준명 Kwak, June Myoung 뉴바이올로지학과
  • Research Interests Calcium Signaling; ABA;ROS Signaling; plant development; Development of Abscission; Culluar Features; Signaling network; Environmental Regulation
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Department of New Biology Theses Ph.D.


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