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Development of a Moving Baseline RTK/Motion Sensor-Integrated Positioning-Based Autonomous Driving Algorithm for a Speed Sprayer

Development of a Moving Baseline RTK/Motion Sensor-Integrated Positioning-Based Autonomous Driving Algorithm for a Speed Sprayer
Han, Joong-heePark, Chi-hoJang, Young Yoon
Issued Date
Sensors, v.22, no.24, pp.9881
Author Keywords
autonomous driving-based spraying workspeed sprayersensor fusionmoving baseline real-time kinematicmotion sensor
To address problems such as pesticide poisoning and accidents during pest control work and to enable efficient work in this area, the development of a competitively prices speed sprayer with autonomous driving is required. Accordingly, in order to contribute to developing the commercialization of a low-cost autonomous driving speed sprayer, we developed a positioning algorithm and an autonomous driving-based spraying algorithm by using two low-cost global navigation satellite system (GNSS) modules and a low-cost motion sensor. In order to provide stable navigation solutions from the autonomous driving hardware despite disturbances from the electromagnetic field generated by the spraying device, the proposed positioning algorithm, a moving baseline (MB) real-time kinematic (RTK)/motion sensor-integrated positioning algorithm, was developed using a loosely coupled extended Kalman filter. To compare the yaw estimation performance provided by the MB RTK positioning technique, yaw was calculated by post-processing with two types of positioning algorithms: the MB RTK/motion sensor-integrated positioning algorithm and the GNSS RTK/motion sensor-integrated positioning algorithm. In the static test, the precision of the yaw provided by the MB RTK/motion sensor-integrated positioning algorithm was 0.14°, but with the GNSS RTK/motion sensor-integrated positioning algorithm, the precision of the yaw was 4.53°. The static test results confirmed that the proposed positioning algorithm using the yaw provided by the MB RTK positioning technique based on two GNSS modules for measurement, precisely estimated the yaw even when the spray engine was operating. To perform autonomous driving and spraying, an autonomous driving-based spraying algorithm was developed using the MB RTK/motion sensor-integrated positioning algorithm. As a result of two performance tests based on the proposed algorithm in an orchard, autonomous driving and spraying were stably performed according to the set autonomous driving route and spraying method, and the root mean square (RMS) of the path-following error was 0.06 m. © 2022 by the authors.
Related Researcher
  • 박지호 Park, Chi-Ho
  • Research Interests Sensor fusion; Speed sprayer; Acceleration Models; GPS; Algorithms
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Division of AI, Big data and Block chain 1. Journal Articles


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