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Preparation and characterization of palladium-nickel on graphene oxide support as anode catalyst for alkaline direct ethanol fuel cell

Preparation and characterization of palladium-nickel on graphene oxide support as anode catalyst for alkaline direct ethanol fuel cell
Tan, Joshua L.De Jesus, Arvee M.Chua, Stephanie L.Sanetuntikul, JakkidShanmugam, SangarajuTongol, Bernard John. V.Kim, Hasuck
Issued Date
Applied Catalysis A: General, v.531, pp.29 - 35
Author Keywords
PdNiGraphene oxideEthanol oxidation reactionElectrocatalysisDirect ethanol fuel cellAnode catalyst
ALCOHOL OXIDATIONAlkaline Fuel CellsAnion Exchange MembraneAnode CatalystAnode CatalystsAnodesCarbonCarbon BlackCARBON NANOTUBESCatalyst ActivityCatalyst SupportsCATALYSTSCatalytic OxidationChronoamperometryCyclic VoltammetryDirect Ethanol Fuel CellDirect Ethanol Fuel Cells (DEFC)ElectrocatalysisELECTROCATALYTIC ACTIVITYElectrocatalytic Activity and StabilityElectrodesETHANOLEthanol FuelsEthanol Oxidation ReactionExfoliated GrapheneFACILE SYNTHESISFORMIC-ACID OXIDATIONFuel CellsGrapheneGraphene OxideGraphene OxidesHigh Resolution Transmission Electron MicroscopyIMPROVED PERFORMANCEIon Exchange MembranesMaximum Power DensityMETHANOL ELECTROOXIDATIONNickelPART IIParticle SizePDPdNiPULSED ELECTRODEPOSITIONTransmission Electron MicroscopyX Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
A catalyst consisting of palladium – nickel supported on exfoliated graphene oxide (PdNi/EGO) composite was synthesized. The catalytic activity was tested for ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR) in half-cell using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and subsequently it was used as an anode material in a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC). Transmission Electron Microscopy showed the catalyst particles are uniformly dispersed on the surface of graphene oxide with the particle size ranging from 3 to 6 nm. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy analysis of catalysts revealed that the surface consisting of mostly Pd, PdO, Ni(OH)2, and NiOOH. CV and chronoamperometry measurements demonstrated higher electrocatalytic activity and stability for PdNi/EGO in the alkaline medium than the unsupported PdNi and carbon black-supported PdNi (PdNi/C) catalysts. A single cell anion exchange membrane DEFC constructed with a PdNi/EGO anode catalyst showed a maximum power density of 16.6 m Wcm−2 at 50 °C, which is higher than the unsupported PdNi, PdNi/C, and commercial Pd/C catalyst. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.
Elsevier B.V.
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  • Research Interests Electrocatalysts for fuel cells; water splitting; metal-air batteries; Polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells; flow batteries; Hydrogen generation and utilization
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Department of Energy Science and Engineering Advanced Energy Materials Laboratory 1. Journal Articles


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