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Hierarchical Nanostructured Pt8Ti-TiO2/C as an Efficient and Durable Anode Catalyst for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

Hierarchical Nanostructured Pt8Ti-TiO2/C as an Efficient and Durable Anode Catalyst for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Sanetuntikul, JakkidKetpang, KriangsakShanmugam, Sangaraju
Issued Date
ACS Catalysis, v.5, no.12, pp.7321 - 7327
Author Keywords
methanol oxidationPt8Ti-TiO2durabilitydirect methanol fuel cellsanode catalyst
ALLOYAnode CatalystAnode CatalystsAnodesCATALYSTSChronoamperometryDEGRADATIONDirect Methanol Fuel CellsDirect Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC)Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs)Doping (Additives)DurabilityElectrocatalystElectrochemical OxidationElectrochemical Surface AreaElectrodesElectrolytesELECTROOXIDATIONFORMIC-ACIDFuel CellsGas Fuel PurificationHierarchical NanostructuresIntermetallic NanoparticlesMethanolMethanol FuelsMETHANOL OXIDATIONNANOCRYSTALSNANOPARTICLESNanorodsNanostructuresNitrogen-Doped CarbonsOXIDATIONOxide MineralsPlatinumPlatinum AlloysPt8Ti-TiO2REDUCTIONSTABILITYSUPPORTTiOTitanium Dioxide
A catalyst for the electrochemical oxidation of methanol in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) comprising Pt8Ti intermetallic nanoparticles dispersed in carbon nanorods (Pt8Ti-TiO2/C) is presented. The catalyst consists of Pt8Ti and rutile TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in nitrogen-doped carbon hierarchical nanostructures. The Pt8Ti-TiO2/C catalyst showed a 50 mV positive onset potential and 10 times higher specific activity than a commercial Pt/C catalyst. Using a half-cell experiment, we show that Pt8Ti intermetallic nanoparticles greatly enhance the methanol oxidation activity and durability in comparison to a Pt/C commercial catalyst. More importantly, a DMFC anode constructed with Pt8Ti-TiO2/C catalyst showed 4.6 times higher power density than a commercial Pt/C catalyst at 0.35 V and 333 K. Additionally, the Pt8Ti-TiO2/C catalyst displayed superior durability in comparison to the Pt/C catalyst. Pt8Ti-TiO2/C showed an electrochemical surface area decay of 23% at the end of 3000 CV cycles, whereas the Pt/C catalyst showed a more rapid decay of 90% at the end of 3000 CV cycles. The excellent stability of the Pt8Ti-TiO2/C catalyst during the accelerated durability stability test (AST) can be attributed to the stability of the rutile TiO2 support, which is chemically resistant in the acidic electrolyte medium. The chronoamperometry and AST durability results confirmed that the Pt8Ti-TiO2/C hierarchical catalyst exhibited better stability than the pure Pt/C catalyst, suggesting that Pt8Ti-TiO2/C could be a promising anode catalyst in DMFCs. © 2015 American Chemical Society.
American Chemical Society
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  • Research Interests Electrocatalysts for fuel cells; water splitting; metal-air batteries; Polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells; flow batteries; Hydrogen generation and utilization
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Department of Energy Science and Engineering Advanced Energy Materials Laboratory 1. Journal Articles


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