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A fusion method of data association and virtual detection for minimizing track loss and false track

A fusion method of data association and virtual detection for minimizing track loss and false track
Lim, Young ChulLee, Chung-HeeKwon, SoonLee, Jonghun
Issued Date
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp.301 - 306
Conference Paper
In this paper, we present a method to track multiple moving vehicles using the global nearest neighborhood (GNN) data association (DA) based on 2D global position and virtual detection based on motion tracking. Unlikely the single target tracking, multiple target tracking needs to associate observation-to-track pairs. DA is a process to determine which measurements are used to update each track. We use the GNN data association not to lost track and not to connect incorrect measurements. GNN is a simple, robust, and optimal technique for intelligent vehicle applications with a stereo vision system that can reliably estimates the position of a vehicle. However, an incomplete detection and recognition technique bring low track maintenance due to missed detections and false alarms. A complementary virtual detection method adds to GNN method. Virtual detection is used to recover the missed detection by motion tracking when the track maintains for some periods. Motion tracking estimates virtual region of interest (ROI) of the missed detection using a pyramidal Lukas-Kanade feature tracker. Next, GNN associates the lost tracks and virtual measurements if the measurement exists in the validation gate. Our experimental results show that our tracking method works well in a stereo vision system with incomplete detection and recognition ability. ©2010 IEEE.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS)
Related Researcher
  • 임영철 Lim, Young Chul
  • Research Interests Deep learning;딥러닝; object detection;객체검출; re-identification;재식별; multi-object tracking;다중객체추적; multi-camera video analysis;다중카메라영상분석
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Division of Automotive Technology 2. Conference Papers
Division of Automotive Technology Advanced Radar Tech. Lab 2. Conference Papers
Division of AI, Big data and Block chain 2. Conference Papers


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