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DC Field Value Language 박세권 - 손종욱 - 성혜민 - 조국래 - 2018-07-11T12:33:48Z - 2018-07-11T12:33:48Z -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Provided are a system and method for managing a mobile device using device-to-device (D2D) communication in which a D2D communication-based mobile device management (MDM) manager is given authority to manage a D2D communication-based MDM client by an MDM server and can directly manage a user mobile device at a short distance based on D2D communication. -
dc.title 단말간 직접 통신을 이용한 모바일 장치 관리 시스템 및 방법 -
dc.title.alternative System and method for managing mobile device using device-to-device communication -
dc.type Patent - US -
dc.identifier.patentApplicationNumber 14-536812 - 2014-11-10 -
dc.identifier.patentRegistrationNumber 9-325-507 - 2016-04-26 -
dc.contributor.assignee (재)대구경북과학기술원(100/100) -
dc.description.claim 1. A system for managing a mobile device using device-to-device (D2D) communication, the system comprising: a mobile device management (MDM) server;a user mobile device having a D2D MDM client (D2D client); andan administrator mobile device having a D2D MDM manager (D2D manager),wherein the D2D manager acquires authority to manage the D2D client from the MDM server and manages the D2D client, andthe D2D client performs an operation in the user mobile device according to management of the D2D manager and transmits a result value of the operation to the MDM server via the D2D manager,wherein the acquiring of the management authority comprises: encrypting, by the D2D manager, the management authorization request message together with a unique number of the D2D client to be managed with a server-manager secret key, and transmitting the management authorization request message and the unique number to the MDM server;encrypting, by the MDM server, a management authorization message including the validity period and a server electronic signature value for the management authorization message with the server-manager secret key, and transmitting the management authorization message and the server electronic signature value to the D2D manager;generating, by the D2D manager, a manager-client secret key, generating a message encrypted with a public key of the D2D client to be managed, and transmitting the encrypted message together with a manager electronic signature 15 value for the encrypted message to the D2D client; andreceiving, by the D2D client, the message encrypted by the D2D manager, verifying the manager electronic signature value, decrypting the encrypted message, and storing the management authorization message and the manager-client secret key when the manager electronic signature value is valid. -
dc.type.iprs 특허 -
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Division of AI, Big data and Block chain 3. Patents


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