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DC Field Value Language 문전일 - 이승열 - 2018-07-11T12:42:41Z - 2018-07-11T12:42:41Z -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Provided are a robot for managing a structure, and a method of controlling the robot. The robot for maintaining and repairing the structure measures a luminance value by capturing an image of the structure, or measures depth information of the structure by using a laser sensor or stereo vision, determines a protruding portion or depressed portion of the structure by using the measured luminance value or the measured depth information. Also, the robot removes the determined protruding portion and fills the determined depressed portion by using a combination hardener. Accordingly, protrusion, depression, and crack of a wall caused by deterioration or poor construction of the structure may be automatically found and repaired so as to efficiently manage the structure. -
dc.title 건축물 관리 로봇 및 그 제어 방법 -
dc.title.alternative Robot for managing structure and method of controlling the robot -
dc.type Patent - US -
dc.identifier.patentApplicationNumber 14-050383 - 2013-10-10 -
dc.identifier.patentRegistrationNumber 9-098-890 - 2015-08-04 -
dc.contributor.assignee (재)대구경북과학기술원(100/100) -
dc.description.claim 1. A robot for managing a structure to maintain and repair the structure, the robot comprising: a vision module for measuring a luminance value by capturing an image of the structure, or measuring a depth information value of the structure by using a laser sensor or stereo vision;a control module for determining a protruding portion or depressed portion of the structure by using the measured luminance value or the measured depth information value;a chipping module for removing the protruding portion determined by the control module; andan injection module for filling the depressed portion determined by the control module by using a combination hardener,wherein the control module analyzes a color of a location where the measured luminance value is higher than a first reference luminance value, and determines whether a reinforcing bar is included based on the analyzed color to remove the protruding portion excluding the reinforcing bar if the reinforcing bar is included. -
dc.type.iprs 특허 -
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Division of Intelligent Robot 3. Patents


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