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DC Field Value Language 김대환 - 최병대 - 2018-07-11T12:42:53Z - 2018-07-11T12:42:53Z -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract A multimedia player for providing two projection images is provided. The multimedia player for displaying two projection images includes: a first projection unit displaying a first projection image; and a second projection unit displaying a second projection image. The first projection unit includes: a first driving unit controlling an operation of the first projection unit and providing an image signal on the first projection image to be displayed; a first light source unit; a first light modulation device outputting the first projection image by modulating light provided from the light source in response to the image signal of the first projection image; and a first projection lens unit magnifying and projecting an image that is output from the first light modulation device. The structure of the first projection unit is the same as that of the second projection unit. The multimedia player further includes a screen sensing unit sensing a color of an area in which an image is to be displayed. The first and second driving units detect a complementary color of a color sensed by the screen sensing unit and increase brightness of a light source corresponding to the complementary color among light sources of the first and second light source units or image data corresponding to the complementary color among image data to be displayed, thereby improving visibility. -
dc.title 2개의 투사형 영상을 제공하는 멀티미디어 재생 장치 -
dc.title.alternative Multimedia player displaying 2 projection images -
dc.type Patent - US -
dc.identifier.patentApplicationNumber 12-449647 - 2008-02-19 -
dc.identifier.patentRegistrationNumber 8-297-758 - 2012-10-30 -
dc.contributor.assignee (재)대구경북과학기술원(100/100) -
dc.description.claim 1. A multimedia player capable of displaying two projection images, the multimedia player comprising: a first projection unit displaying a first projection image; anda second projection unit displaying a second projection image,wherein the first projection unit comprises:a first driving unit controlling an operation of the first projection unit and providing an image signal of the first projection image to be displayed;a first light source unit;a first light modulation device outputting the first projection image by modulating light provided from the light source in response to the image signal of the first projection image; anda first projection lens unit magnifying and projecting an image that is output from the first light modulation device, andwherein the second projection unit comprises:a second driving unit by controlling an operation of the second projection unit and providing an image signal of the second projection image to be displayed;a second light source unit;a second light modulation device outputting the second projection image by modulating light provided from the light source unit in response to the image signal of the second projection image; anda second projection lens unit magnifying and projecting an image that is output from the second light modulation device,wherein focal lengths of the first and second projection lens units are initially set so that an image is projected at a predetermined position extended from a bottom plane over which the multimedia player is located,wherein the first light source unit and the second light source unit are constructed with LED arrays constructed with red (R), blue (B), and green (G) LEDs, and the LED arrays are sequentially driven according to a predetermined frequency to sequentially provide light beams with R, G and B colors,the multimedia player further comprising a screen sensing unit sensing a color of an area in which an image is to be displayed,wherein the first and second driving units detect a complementary color of the sensed color of the bottom plane by using the screen sensing unit and increase brightness of alight source corresponding to the complementary color among light sources of the first and second light source units. -
dc.type.iprs 특허 -
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Division of AI, Big data and Block chain 3. Patents
Division of Energy & Environmental Technology 3. Patents


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