Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue Date | Title Author(s) Journal | View |
2017 | 888 | |
2017-03 |
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, v.E100D, no.3, pp.578 - 581, 2017-03 |
641 |
2021-02 |
제어·로봇·시스템학회, 2021-02 |
450 |
2020-11 |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v.69, no.11, pp.13916 - 13920, 2020-11 |
522 |
2010-06 |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, v.9, no.6, pp.824 - 837, 2010-06 |
478 |
2010-06 |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, v.9, no.6, pp.824 - 837, 2010-06 |
70 |
2022-02 |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, v.17, pp.1388 - 1403, 2022-02 |
251 |
2012-04 |
institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2012-04 |
624 |
2017-01-15 |
IEEE Sensors Journal, v.17, no.2, pp.498 - 503, 2017-01-15 |
811 |
2020-09 |
한국디지털정책학회, 2020-09 |
312 |
2010-09 |
대한임베디드공학회, 2010-09 |
676 |