Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title Author(s) Journal | View |
2023-08 |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, v.70, no.8, pp.8022 - 8031, 2023-08 |
207 |
2015-05 |
Chemical Communications, v.51, no.36, pp.7745 - 7748, 2015-05 |
833 |
2020-08 |
American Chemical Society, 2020-08 |
537 |
2019-06 |
Acta Materialia, v.171, pp.170 - 175, 2019-06 |
544 |
2022-08 |
Physical Review Letters, v.129, no.7, 2022-08 |
137 |
2023-04 |
Optics Express, v.31, no.8, pp.12634 - 12644, 2023-04 |
94 |
2015-02 |
Lab on a Chip, v.15, no.3, pp.696 - 703, 2015-02 |
650 |
2014-11 |
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.65, no.10, pp.1649 - 1652, 2014-11 |
575 |