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dc.contributor.advisor 문제일 - Jae Yeon Kim - 2020-06-13T16:00:18Z - 2020-06-13T16:00:18Z - 2020 -
dc.identifier.uri en_US
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description Olfactory bulb, Interneuron, Superficial granule cell layer, Postnatal early-born, Abl1, Dcx, Olfactory detection, Sensitivity. -
dc.description.abstract The mouse olfactory bulb (OB) has highly populated and molecularly varied interneurons. In particular, more than half of the interneurons in the mouse OB are developed during the first week after birth, and dominantly connect to neural circuits with excitatory tufted cells near the superficial granule cell layer, unlike late-born interneurons. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the temporal specification and physiological functions of superficial granule cells are yet to be identified.
In this study, I marked only postnatal early-born OB interneurons by incorporating 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU) at postnatal day 0 (P0) aged-mice and found that early-born interneu-rons are dominantly integrated into superficial granule cell layer, differentially with late-born interneu-rons. To determine the molecular-driving force for arriving into superficial granule cell layer of early-born OB interneurons, I investigated the migratory machineries in early-born OB interneurons. I dis-closed the temporal developmental role of Abelson Tyrosine-Protein Kinase 1 (Abl1) in the early-born OB interneurons. Lentiviral knock-down of Abl1 disrupts superficial granule cell layer-specific circuits of the early-born OB interneuron by integratory and functional defects, resulting in enhanced olfactory sensitivity. From a proteomics approach, I identified that Doublecortin (Dcx) as a timely substrate of Abl1 in OB during postnatal early stage and further found that the phosphorylation of Dcx by Abl1 con-tributes to the stabilization of Dcx, thereby regulating microtubule dynamics. Finally, restoration of Dcx rescues anatomical deficits as well as dysregulated olfactory detection by knock-down of Abl1 in vivo.
In summary, I disclosed that postnatal early-born OB interneurons are predominantly inte-grated into superficial granule cell layer, migrating farther distances than late-born interneurons. Espe-cially, the Abl1-Dcx signaling in the early-born OB interneurons facilitates their long migration into su-perficial granule cell layer by regulating microtubule dynamics. In addition, the temporal development of superficial granule cell-circuit is critical for formation of primary olfactory behaviors, such as detec-tion and sensitivity. This my study will provide new insights for an advanced understanding of the neu-rodevelopmental disorder patients having enhanced sensory sensitivity.
dc.description.statementofresponsibility open -
dc.description.tableofcontents Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1 Fundamental architecture of brain: lamination. 1
1.2 Assemblies in the brain: neurons. 1
1.3 Minority, but amazing cell type: interneuron. 3
1.3.1 Interneuron diversity. 3
1.3.2 Birth-timing of interneurons as a good predictor of their positioning. 3
1.4 Interneurons in the olfactory bulb (OB). 6
1.4.1 Distinct features of OB interneurons. 6
1.4.2 OB interneuron diversity. 9 A great number of granule cells. 9 Other interneurons. 12
1.4.3 Segregation of OB interneurons based on their birth-time. 12 Distributed positioning of granule cells by their birth-time. 14 Distinct circuits between early- and late-born interneurons. 14
1.5 Migratory machineries for correct neuronal positioning during development. 16
1.5.1 Tyrosine phosphorylation as a migratory machinery. 16
1.5.2 Abl1 (Abelson Tyrosine-Protein Kinase 1). 16

Ⅱ. Materials & Methods
2.1 Materials.19
2.1.1 Experimental animals. 19
2.1.2 Antibodies and Reagents. 19
2.2 Methods. 19
2.2.1 Biochemical experiments.19 Cell culture. 19 HEK293T, Lenti-X cell and Neuro2A cell. 19 Mouse olfactory bulb primary cell. 19 Western Blot. 20 Immunoprecipitation. 20 GST-tagging protein purification.20 In vitro kinase assay. 20
2.2.2 Histological experiments. 23 RNA in situ hybridization. 23 Immunohistochemistry. 23
2.2.3 Animal experiments. 23 Production and injection of lentivirus vectors. 23 Imatinib treatment. 24 BrdU assay. 24
2.2.4 Animal behavior tests. 24 Buried food test. 24 Threshold test. 24 Odor discrimination test. 24
2.2.5 Proteomics. 25 LC-MS/MS for Peptides Analysis_Q-TOF. 25

Ⅲ. Characterization of Postnatal Early-born OB Interneurons.
3.1 Background. 26
3.2 Results. 27
3.2.1 Distribution of interneurons in OB Layers based on their birth-time. 27
3.2.2 Integration of P0-generated OB Interneurons into superficial GCL. 27
3.3 Discussion. 30

Ⅳ. Driving Force for Arriving into Final Destination of Postnatal Early-born
4.1 Background. 31
4.2 Results. 32
4.2.1 Active wave of Abl1 expression during postnatal early OB development. 32
4.2.2 Requirement of Abl1 for proper localization of postnatal early-born interneu-rons into MCL and sGCL of OB. 36
4.2.3 Necessity of Abl1 for maturation and functionality of postnatal early-born OB interneurons. 41
4.2.4 Abl1 activity-dependent maturation of postnatal early-born OB interneu-rons.46
4.2.5 Dcx is a timely substrate of Abl1 in OB during postnatal early stage. 50
4.2.6 Phosphorylation at tyrosine 125 of Dcx by Abl1 regulate Dcx stability. 54
4.2.7 Abl1-Dcx signaling is involved in neuritogenesis via regulation of microtu-bule dynamics. 57
4.2.8 Restoration of Dcx rescues integratory deficits Abl1 KD in vivo. 60
4.2.9 Restoration of Dcx rescues anatomical deficits Abl1 KD in vivo. 64
4.3 Discussion. 68

Ⅴ. Innate Olfactory Behavior Development of Postnatal Early-born Interneu-rons.
5.1 Background. 72
5.2 Results. 72
5.2.1 Postnatal early stage-Abl1 deficient mice having the deficit in spontaneous odor-behaviors. 72
5.2.2 Pharmacological inhibition of Abl1 activity having the deficit in odor detec-tion. 77
5.2.3 Recovery of defective odor detection behavior in Dcx-restored Abl1 KD mice or Abl1 KA mice. 79
5.3 Discussion. 81

Ⅵ. Conclusion.
6.1 Summary and conclusion. 82
6.2 Limitations and further studies. 84
dc.format.extent 96 -
dc.language eng -
dc.publisher DGIST -
dc.source /home/dspace/dspace53/upload/200000283028.pdf -
dc.title Studies of Novel Characteristics of Timely-developed Interneurons in Mouse Olfactory Bulb -
dc.type Thesis -
dc.identifier.doi 10.22677/Theses.200000283028 -
dc.description.alternativeAbstract 쥐의 후각 망울은 고도로 다양하고 다채로운 저해성세포들을 가진다. 특히 후각 망울 내의 저해성세포들 절반 이상이 출생 후 1 주일 동안 과도하게 생성되고, 이보다 늦게 태어난 저해성세포들과는 달리, 표면과립세포층에서 흥분성세포들과의 신경 회로를 지배적으로 형성한다. 그러나, 이 신경회로가 어떠한 분자적 메커니즘에 의해 발생되는지, 그것의 생리학적, 행동학적 기능이 무엇 인지는 알려진 것이 없다.
본 연구에서 5-브로모-2’-데옥시 우리딘을 신경 줄기 세포 복제의 새로이 합성되는 유전자에 통합시키거나, 렌티 바이러스를 주입하여 표지하는 방식을 이용하여, 출생 시간 및 최종 위치를 포함한 표면 과립 세포의 특성들을 파악하였다. 또한, 일찍 태어난 저해성세포들이 후각 망울의 표면 과립 세포층에 도달하기 위한 추진력을 위해 어떠한 분자 기작을 가지는지 연구하였다. 나는 후각 망울 저해성세포의 초기 발생에서, 에이블1 (에블손 타이로신-단백질 카이네이즈 1)의 시간적 발달 역할을 발견하였다. 렌티바이러스를 이용한 에이블1의 발현 저해는 일찍 태어난 저해성세포들이 표면 과립 세포층으로의 도달 및 통합에 결함을 유도하여, 쥐의 후각 감도를 증가시킴을 관찰하였다. 프로테오믹스 접근 방식을 사용하여, 태어난 직후 초기에 에이블1의 일시적 상호 대상으로 더블콜틴을 찾아내었으며, 에이블1에 의한 더블콜틴의 인산화는 그것의 안정화에 기여하며, 최종적으로는 미세 소관의 역동성을 조절하였다. 더불어, 더블콜틴의 과발현은 에이블1 발현 저해에 의해 유도된 해부학적 또는 기능적 결함을 회복시키는 것을 반복 관찰하였다.
요약하면, 출생 직후 일찍 태어난 후각 망울 저해성세포들은 주로 표면과립세포층에 통합되어, 이 보다 뒤늦게 태어난 저해성세포들에 비해 더욱 먼 거리를 이동해야한다. 또한 일찍 태어난 저해성세포들에서 에이블1과 더블콜틴의 특정 신호 전달은 표면과립세포층의 신경회로의 적시 발생을 용이하며, 후각 감도와 같은 원시적인 후각 기능을 형성한다. 이 연구는 최종적으로 감각 기능이 비이상적으로 증가된 신경발달장애에 대한 폭넓은 이해를 위한 새로운 근거를 제공하며, 더 나은 치료 개발에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
- Doctor -
dc.contributor.department Brain and Cognitive Sciences -
dc.contributor.coadvisor Woong Sun - 2020-02 -
dc.publisher.location Daegu -
dc.description.database dCollection -
dc.citation XT.BD 김73 202002 - 2020-01-20 -
dc.contributor.alternativeDepartment 뇌인지과학전공 -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Moon, Cheil -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Kim, Jae Yeon -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Sun, Woong -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 선웅 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName 김재연 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Cheil Moon -
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Department of Brain Sciences Theses Ph.D.


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