Large number of services and heterogeneity of the objects have made Internet of Things (IoT) a complex paradigm. It is necessary to placate the requirements of quality of service metrics for IoT model of urban development. Rapid delivery and continuation of services to the customers without delay, is first and foremost requisite. Applications of IoT, require service centered IoT model which should be stable, scalable, energy efficient and re-configurable. This paper, proposes a service oriented cross layer solution for IoT-QoS architecture. In the three layer model, QoS module at the application layer exploits the optimization by exhausting the acquaintance of each component. Network layer deals with the issues of transmission of packets in energy efficient manner where stability plays a crucial role for the heterogeneous objects. Resources are allocated and reallocated to the requested services in optimal way at sensing layer. The proposed IoT-QoS model for urban development applications is capable of optimizing the traditional methods and encases the network lifetime by minimizing the energy consumption.