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DC Field Value Language Choi, Gyeung Ho - Lee, Jae Cheon - Chung, Yon Jong - Caton, Jerald - Han, Sungbin - 2021-04-26T08:26:52Z - 2021-04-26T08:26:52Z - 2018-03-29 - 2006-09 -
dc.identifier.citation 에너지공학, v.15, no.3, pp.139 - 145 -
dc.identifier.issn 1598-7981 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study is to obtain low-emission and high-efficiency in LPG engine with hydrogen enrichment. The objective of this paper is to clarify the effects of hydrogen enrichment in LPG fuelled engine on exhaust emission, thermal efficiency and performance. The compression ratio of 8 was selected to avoid abnormal combustion. To maintain equal heating value of fuel blend, the amount of LPG was decreased as hydrogen was gradually added. The relative air-fuel ratio was increased from 0.8 to 1.3, and the ignition timing was controlled to be at MBT (minimum spark advance for best torque) -
dc.language English -
dc.publisher 한국에너지학회 -
dc.title Effect of Hydrogen Enriched LPG Fuelled Engine with Converted from a Diesel Engine -
dc.title.alternative Effect of Hydrogen Enriched LPG Fuelled Engine with Converted from a Diesel Engin -
dc.type Article -
dc.type.local Article(Domestic) -
dc.type.rims ART -
dc.description.journalClass 2 -
dc.citation.publicationname 에너지공학 -
dc.identifier.kciid ART001042463 -
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthor Lee, Jae Cheon -
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthor Chung, Yon Jong -
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthor Caton, Jerald -
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthor Han, Sungbin -
dc.identifier.citationVolume 15 -
dc.identifier.citationNumber 3 -
dc.identifier.citationStartPage 139 -
dc.identifier.citationEndPage 145 -
dc.identifier.citationTitle 에너지공학 -
dc.description.isOpenAccess N -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Choi, Gyeung Ho -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Lee, Jae Cheon -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Chung, Yon Jong -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Caton, Jerald -
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor Han, Sungbin -
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ETC 1. Journal Articles
Interdisciplinary Engineering Major Advanced Intelligent Mobility Research Group 1. Journal Articles


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