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Cooperative control of robot and couch using relative jacobian for radiosurgery

Cooperative control of robot and couch using relative jacobian for radiosurgery
Alternative Title
방사선 수술을 하기 위한 상대 자코비안을 활용한 로봇과 카우치의 협업제어
Kim, Kyung min
DGIST Authors
Kim, Kyung minChang, Pyung Hun
Chang, Pyung Hun
Chung, Weon Kuu
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
RadiosurgeryRelative jacobianCooperative control방사선 수술상대 자코비안협업제어
In this thesis, new radiosurgery system consists of 2DOF new radiosurgery robot and 3DOF couch that is a PRR type. New radiosurgery system has a total of 5DOF that is a small number of degree of freedom. New radiosurgery system treat the tumor that has a small movement relatively in intracranial and spinal region. Radiation beam is delivered from linac that is positioned end-effector of new radiosurgery robot. Radiation beam that is delivered from anywhere is always focused on isocenter. Movement of couch changes the isocenter. It is important to deliver a radiation beam to the tumor in a body correctly as planned orientation and position. To perform it successfully, cooperative control of new radiosurgery robot and couch is needed. In this thesis, two methods are suggested to control new radiosurgery robot and couch. One method is individual control of new radiosurgery robot and couch. The other method is cooperative control of new radiosurgery and couch using relative jacobian. Through comparison between two methods, It is proven that cooperative control using relative jacobian is more useful method in this thesis. First of all, trajectory generation methods for desired trajectory of new radiosurgery robot and couch are compared. Through it, we can know that cooperative control has a simpler procedure and is more intuitive. If cooperative control using relative jacobian is applied to new radiosurgery system, we can show that radiation beam can be delivered within a certain time as planned orientation and position correctly through simulation result. It is more useful method in terms of delayed radiosurgery time caused by movement of robot. ⓒ 2016 DGIST
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction 1 --
1.1 Purpose of research 1 --
1.2 Structure of thesis 2 --
2. Cooperative control for new radiosurgery system 3 --
2.1 New radiosurgery system 3 --
2.2 Inverse kinematics of new radiosurgery robot 5 --
2.3 Trajectory generation for individual control of new radiosurgery system not using relative jacobian 6 --
2.3.1 Couch 6 --
2.3.2 New radiosurgery robot 8 --
2.4 Trajectory generation for cooperative control of new radiosurgery system using relative jacobian 11 --
3. Simulation 17 --
3.1 Simulation environment 17 --
3.1.1 Modeling of new radiosurgery system 17 --
3.1.2 Time delay control 21 --
3.1.3 Visualization of new radiosurgery system 22 --
3.2 Simulation procedure 24 --
3.3 Simulation result 25 --
3.3.1 Individual control of new radiosurgery system not using relative jacobian 25 --
3.3.2 Cooperative control of new radiosurgery system using relative jacobian 29 --
4. Discussion 32 --
4.1 Comparison between two methods 32 --
4.2 Advantages of new radiosurgery system through cooperative control 33 --
5. Conclusion 34 --
Appendix 1. Kinematics of new radiosurgery system 35 --
Appendix 1.1 New radiosurgery robot 35 --
Appendix 1.2 Couch 37 --
Appendix 2. Inverse kinematics of new radiosurgery robot 38 --
Appendix 3. Relative jacobian for new radiosurgery system 41 --
Appendix 4. Visual system of simulator using matlab 46 --
Appendix 5. Simulation and results to prove advantages of new radiosurgery system through cooperative control 52 --
Appendix 5.1 Non-isocentric treatment 52 --
Appendix 5.2 Tracking patient's movement 60 --
Appendix 5.3 Wider treatment range 67 --
Appendix 6 Matlab source code for cooperative control of new radiosurgery system using relative jacobian 74 --
Robotics Engineering
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Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Theses Master


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