I. Introduction 1 1.1 The structure of stomach epithelium 1 1.2 The stem cell population in stomach epithelium 1 1.3 Damage response of base stem cells in stomach epithelium 1 II. Preliminary data 2 2.1. Essential gene alterations happen in Troy+ chief cells during injury repair 2 2.2. p57-expressing chief cells directly undergo transition to injury-responsive chief cells upon injury 2 2.3. p57 induces reserve stem cell-like state in gastric corpus organoids 3 III. Methods 3 3.1. Animals 3 3.2. Animal treatments 4 3.3. Library preparation and bulk RNA-seq in Troy+ chief cells 4 3.4. Generation of single-cell RNA-seq data 4 3.5. Time-course RNA-seq data analysis 4 3.6. scRNA-seq data preprocessing 6 3.7. scRNA-seq data analysis 7 IV. Results 8 4.1. Rapid transcriptional changes happen in Troy+ chief cells during injury repair 8 4.2. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis defines a specific injury-responsive chief cell population 11 V. Discussion 16 References 18