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Over-sampling effect in distributed Alamouti coded OFDM with frequency offset

Over-sampling effect in distributed Alamouti coded OFDM with frequency offset
Kim, Bong-seokChoi, Kwonhue
Issued Date
IET Communications, v.10, no.17, pp.2344 - 2351
Author Keywords
OFDM modulationfast Fourier transformsintercarrier interferencefading channelsintersymbol interferenceover-sampling effectdistributed Alamouti coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexingdistributed Alamouti coded OFDMfrequency offsetfrequency asynchronous distributed Alamouti codedFADAC OFDMcyclic harmonic intercarrier interferenceICIfast Fourier transformFFTselective fading channels
Intersymbol InterferenceNull SubcarriersOFdm ModulationOrthogonal Frequency Division MultiplexingOver-Sampling EffectOver SamplingSelective Fading ChannelSelective Fading ChannelsSignal to Noise RatioTRANSMISSIONCoded Orthogonal Frequency-Division MultiplexingCommunication Channels (Information Theory)COOPERATIVE SystemSCyclic Harmonic Intercarrier InterferenceDistributed Alamouti Coded ofdmDistributed Alamouti Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division MultiplexingFADAC ofDMFading ChannelsFast Fourier TransformFast Fourier TransformsFFTFlat-Fading ChannelsFrequency AllocationFrequency Asynchronous Distributed Alamouti CodedFrequency Division MultiplexingFrequency offsetFrequency offsetsHigh Signal-To-Noise RatioICIInter Carrier InterferenceIntercarrier Interference
Unlike the conventional distributed Alamouti coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), over-sampling substantially improves the performance of frequency asynchronous distributed Alamouti coded (FADAC) OFDM. This exclusive effectiveness of over-sampling in FADAC-OFDM comes from two factors. One is the unique characteristics of residual inter carrier interference term in FADAC-OFDM and the other factor is moving away the cyclic harmonic inter-carrier interference (ICI) by over-sampling. In addition, the authors confirm that over-sampling factor of 2, i.e. 2N point fast Fourier transform (FFT) is sufficient to move the cyclic harmonic ICI. From this investigation, the authors propose 2N point FFT FADAC-OFDM. The proposed scheme achieves the significantly improved performance not only in the flat fading channel but also in the selective fading channels. For example, while the non-oversampled FADAC-OFDM has the unacceptable error rate level near to or above 0.1 at the band edges even with high signal to noise ratio, the proposed scheme achieves near intersymbol interference-free performance. This leads the proposed scheme to achieve 50% reduction of the required number of null subcarriers to achieve ICI free performance compared with the non-oversampled FADAC-OFDM. Moreover, in terms of implementation feasibility and computational complexity, the proposed scheme is shown to be acceptable. © 2016 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Institution of Engineering and Technology
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