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Synthesis of one-dimensional gold nanostructures and the electrochemical application of the nanohybrid containing functionalized graphene oxide for cholesterol biosensing

Synthesis of one-dimensional gold nanostructures and the electrochemical application of the nanohybrid containing functionalized graphene oxide for cholesterol biosensing
Nandini, SeetharamaiahNalini, SeetharamaiahReddy, M. B. MadhusudanaSuresh, Gurukar ShivappaMelo, Jose SavioNiranjana, PathappaSanetuntikul, JakkidShanmugam, Sangaraju
Issued Date
Bioelectrochemistry, v.110, pp.79 - 90
Author Keywords
Gold nanostrucutresFunctionalized graphene oxideElectrochemical biosensorbeta-diphenylalaninePeptide nanotubesCholesterol
ArticleBeta-DiphenylalanineBiosensorBIOSENSORSChemical SensorsCholesterolCholesterol OxidaseChronoamperometryCOMPOSITESControlled StudyCyclic PotentiometryCyclic VoltammetryDirect Electron TransferDispersionElectrochemical ApplicationsELECTROCHemICAL BIOSENSORElectrochemical Impedance SpectroscopyElectrodesEnergy Dispersive Analysis of X-RaysEnzyme ElectrodesEnzyme ImmobilizationFabricationFunctionalized GrapheneFunctionalized Graphene oxideGLASSY-CARBON ELECTRODEGOLDGold NanoparticleGold NanostrucutresGrapheneGraphene OxideHYBRIDMorphologyMorphology and CompositionNANOPARTICLESNanostructuresNanowiresPeptide NanotubesPERFORMANCEScanning Electron MicroscopySENSORSPECTROSCOPYSynthesisSynthesis (Chemical)TemPLATESUltrasonic ApplicationsUltrasound IrradiationVoltage RegulatorsX Ray DiffractionYarn
This manuscript reports a new approach for the synthesis of one dimensional gold nanostructure (AuNs) and its application in the development of cholesterol biosensor. Au nanostructures have been synthesized by exploiting β-diphenylalanine (β-FF) as an sacrificial template, whereas the Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) were synthesized by ultrasound irradiation. X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX) have been employed to characterize the morphology and composition of the prepared samples. With the aim to develop a highly sensitive cholesterol biosensor, cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) was immobilized on AuNs which were appended on the graphite (Gr) electrode via chemisorption onto thiol-functionalized graphene oxide (GO-SH). This Gr/GO-SH/AuNs/ChOx biosensor has been characterized using cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry. CV results indicated a direct electron transfer between the enzyme and the electrode surface. A new potentiostat intermitant titration technique (PITT) has been studied to determine the diffusion coefficient and maxima potential value. The proposed biosensor showed rapid response, high sensitivity, wide linear range and low detection limit. Furthermore, our AuNs modified electrode showed excellent selectivity, repeatability, reproducibility and long term stability. The proposed electrode has also been used successfully to determine cholesterol in serum samples. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.
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  • Research Interests Electrocatalysts for fuel cells; water splitting; metal-air batteries; Polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells; flow batteries; Hydrogen generation and utilization
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