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Mass propagation of microtubers from suspension cultures of Pinellia ternata cells and quantitative analysis of succinic acid in Pinellia tubers

Mass propagation of microtubers from suspension cultures of Pinellia ternata cells and quantitative analysis of succinic acid in Pinellia tubers
Jie, Eun YeeRyu, Young BaeChoi, Seung A.Ahn, Myung SukLiu, Jang RyolMin, Sung RanKim, Suk Weon
Issued Date
Plant Biotechnology Reports, v.9, no.5, pp.331 - 338
Author Keywords
Microtuber productionPinellia ternataPlant regenerationSuccinic acid
GROWTHINDUCTIONMicrotuber ProductionPinellia TernataPLANT-REGENERATIONPlant RegenerationSuccinic ACID
The conditions for efficient tuber production from suspension cultures of Pinellia ternata cells which is one of medicinal herbs were established and succinic acid in tubers propagated in vitro was determined. Leaf explants formed white nodular structures and off-white calluses at a frequency of 90.6% when cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 0.54μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA); however, this frequency declined substantially with increasing NAA concentration, up to 16.2μM, at which the frequency reached zero percent. In combination treatments with 4.44μM 6-benzyladenine (BA) and NAA, however, the frequency of white nodular structure and off-white callus formation from leaf explants did not decrease, even at 16.2μM NAA. Suspension cultures of P. ternata cells were established from leaf-derived off-white calluses in MS liquid medium containing 5.4μM NAA and 4.44μM BA. Upon plating onto MS basal medium, over 90% of cell aggregates gave rise to microtubers and developed into plantlets. Regenerated plantlets were transplanted in potting soil and grown to maturity in a growth chamber, with a survival rate of >90%. The highest succinic acid content in suspension culture-derived microtubers was 45g/kg of extract. Compared with wild P. ternata medicinal tubers, the succinic acid content was very similar. The in vitro P. ternata microtuber proliferation system established in this study is thus an efficient alternative for the mass production of medicinal tubers. © 2015, Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology and Springer Japan.
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