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Photoreaction and molecular reorientation studies of ultra-violet light irradiated azobenzene containing polymer films using two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy

Photoreaction and molecular reorientation studies of ultra-violet light irradiated azobenzene containing polymer films using two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy
Lee, Sang HyunChae, BoknamKim, Hyun-ChulKim, Seung BinJung, Young MeeLee, Seung Woo
DGIST Authors
Lee, Sang HyunChae, BoknamKim, Hyun-ChulKim, Seung BinJung, Young MeeLee, Seung Woo
Issued Date
Article Type
Article; Proceedings Paper
Author Keywords
Photoreactive polymerAzobenzene moietyPhotoisomerizationMolecular reorientationIR spectroscopy2D correlation analysis
Free Radical PolymerizationFree RadicalsFT-IRHydrocarbonsInfrared SpectroscopyIR SpectroscopyIsomerizationIsomersLight Sensitive MaterialsLIQUID-CRYSTALLINE POLYMERSMolecular ReorientationORIENTATIONPhoto-Reactive PolymerPhotochemistryPhotoisomerizationPhotoisomerizationPhotopolymersPhoto-Reactive PolymerPhotoreactivityPOLYIMIDE FILMSPolymer FilmsPolymersSpectrum AnalysisTwo Dimensional2D Correlation AnalysisAlignmentAzobenzene MoietyBenzeneCHAINChromophoresCOMMAND SURFACESCorrelation MethodsElectron Beam LithographyElectron TransitionsFREE-VOLUME
A photosensitive polymer with azobenzene side groups was synthesized from free radical polymerization and characterized. Photoreaction and photoinduced molecular reorientation was investigated in films of poly(4- methacryloyloxyazobenzene) (PMAAz) through ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectra and two-dimensional (2D) correlation analyses of their infrared (IR) spectra. The PMAAz polymer molecules were found to undergo trans-cis photoisomerization upon UV irradiation. The fraction of the cis-isomer of azobenzene increased with an increasing UV light exposure dose. The analysis of the 2D IR correlation spectra revealed that the isomerization of azobenzene chromophores induced molecular movement of azobenzene moiety as well as alkyl main chains in PMAAz films. The mono-substituted benzene ring changed sooner than the para-substituted benzene ring for trans-cis isomerization. The azobenzene chromophores in the PMAAz film induced the molecular reorientation by photoreaction in the following sequence: mono-substituted benzene ring → NΦ bond → cis-NN → para-substituted benzene ring. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Elsevier BV
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  • Research Interests Nanomedicine; Polymer Drug Conjugates; Drug Delivery System
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