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Detection of mutant p53 using field-effect transistor biosensor

Detection of mutant p53 using field-effect transistor biosensor
Han, Sang HeeKim, Sang KyuPark, KyoungsookYi, So YeonPark, Hye-JungLyu, Hong-KunKim, MoonilChung, Bong Hyun
Issued Date
Analytica Chimica Acta, v.665, no.1, pp.79 - 83
Author Keywords
Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistorBiosensorp53Mutant p53DNA-binding domain
ArticleBindingBiochemistryBiosensing TechniquesBiosensorBIOSENSORSCANCERCELLCHARGEControlled StudyDATABASEDNADNA-BindingDNA-Binding DomainDNA-Protein InteractionDOMAINDrain CurrentFet-Type BiosensorsField-EffectField Effect TransistorField Effect TransistorsGeneGene MutationGenesHUMAN TUMORSMesfet DevicesMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect TransistorMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect TransistorsMetallic CompoundsMonitoringMOS-FETMos DevicesMutagenesis, Site-DirectedMutant P53Mutant ProteinMutationP53P53 ProteinPriority JournalProtein BindingProtein DNA InteractionProtein ImmobilizationProtein P53Protein Structure, TertiaryProteinsRecombinant ProteinsSemiconductor AnalyzerSensing LayersSurface Plasmon ResonanceSurface PropertyTransistors, ElectronicTumor Suppressor Protein P53
We assessed the abilities of wild p53 and mutant p53 proteins to interact with the consensus DNA-binding sequence using a MOSFET biosensor. This is the first report in which mutant p53 has been detected on the basis of DNA-protein interaction using a FET-type biosensor. In an effort to evaluate the performance of this protocol, we constructed the core domain of wild p53 and mutant p53 (R248W), which is DNA-binding-defective. After the immobilization of the cognate DNA to the sensing layer, wild p53 and mutant p53 were applied to the DNA-coated gate surface, and subsequently analyzed using a semiconductor analyzer. As a consequence, a significant up-shift in drain current was noted in response to wild p53, but not mutant p53, thereby indicating that sequence-specific DNA-protein interactions could be successfully monitored using a field-effect-based biosensor. These data also corresponded to the results obtained using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements. Taken together, our results show that a FET-type biosensor might be promising for the monitoring of mutant p53 on the basis of its DNA-binding activity, providing us with very valuable insights into the monitoring for diseases, particularly those associated with DNA-protein binding events. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Elsevier B.V.
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