I. Introduction 1 1.1 General principle of neuronal development 1 1.2 The role of ubiquitination during neurogenesis 11 1.3 The role of Cullins during neurogenesis 14 II. Aims of the project 18 2.1 When and Where Cullin 4 proteins are expressed and active during neuronal development 18 2.2 How are the level and activity of Cul4 proteins regulated 18 2.3 What are the functions of the CRL4 complex during neuronal development 18 2.4 How does the CRL4 function and whom does it work with 18 III. Materials and methods 19 3.1 Plasmids and Antibodies 19 3.2 Experimental animals 21 3.3 Cloning and work with plasmid DNA 21 3.4 RNA isolation and RT-PCRs 21 3.5 Primary neuronal cell cultures and pc12 cell culture 21 3.6 Immunocytochemistry and proximity ligation assay 22 3.7 Immunohistochemistry 23 3.8 Fractionation of nucleus and cytosol 23 3.9 Immunoprecipitation 24 3.10 Immunoblotting 24 3.11 LC-MS/MS 24 3.12 Image acquisition and analysis of neuronal morphology 25 3.13 Statistical analysis 25 IV. Results 26 4.1 Cul4a and Cul4b are up-regulated during early neuronal development 26 4.2 Neuronal Activity inhibits cul4a and cul4b function. 40 4.3 Regulation of the level or activity of Cul4a and Cul4b via genetic and pharmacological tools 46 4.4 Cul4a and Cul4b regulate Axonal outgrowth and branching in early neuronal development 50 4.5 CRL4 interacts with cytoskeleton-organizing proteins 61 4.6 DCX as a promising target of Cul4a and Cul4b 66 V. Discussion 71 VI. Conclusion 75 VII. References 77 VIII. 요 약 문 87