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Dual Attention Relation Network With Fine-Tuning for Few-Shot EEG Motor Imagery Classification

Dual Attention Relation Network With Fine-Tuning for Few-Shot EEG Motor Imagery Classification
An, SionKim, SoopilChikontwe, PhilipPark, Sang Hyun
Issued Date
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp.1 - 15
Author Keywords
Brain–computer interfaceselectroencephalography (EEG)few-shot classificationmeta-learningmotor imagery (MI)
Recently, motor imagery (MI) electroencephalography (EEG) classification techniques using deep learning have shown improved performance over conventional techniques. However, improving the classification accuracy on unseen subjects is still challenging due to intersubject variability, scarcity of labeled unseen subject data, and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this context, we propose a novel two-way few-shot network able to efficiently learn how to learn representative features of unseen subject categories and classify them with limited MI EEG data. The pipeline includes an embedding module that learns feature representations from a set of signals, a temporal-attention module to emphasize important temporal features, an aggregation-attention module for key support signal discovery, and a relation module for final classification based on relation scores between a support set and a query signal. In addition to the unified learning of feature similarity and a few-shot classifier, our method can emphasize informative features in support data relevant to the query, which generalizes better on unseen subjects. Furthermore, we propose to fine-tune the model before testing by arbitrarily sampling a query signal from the provided support set to adapt to the distribution of the unseen subject. We evaluate our proposed method with three different embedding modules on cross-subject and cross-dataset classification tasks using brain–computer interface (BCI) competition IV 2a, 2b, and GIST datasets. Extensive experiments show that our model significantly improves over the baselines and outperforms existing few-shot approaches. IEEE
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
Related Researcher
  • 박상현 Park, Sang Hyun
  • Research Interests 컴퓨터비전; 인공지능; 의료영상처리
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Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Medical Image & Signal Processing Lab 1. Journal Articles


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