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DC Field Value Language Kim, Hyun-Chul - Kim, Eunjoo - Lee, Se Guen - Lee, Sung Jun - Kim, Hyunmin - Jeong, Sang Won - 2018-01-25T01:12:16Z - 2018-01-25T01:12:16Z - 2017-04-10 - 2014-02-15 -
dc.identifier.issn 0887-624X -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Thiol-responsive micelles consisting of novel nonionic gemini surfactants with a cystine disulfide spacer are reported. The gemini surfactants, (C 18-Cys-mPEG)2 and ((C18)2-Lys-Cys- mPEG)2, were synthesized from polyethylene glycol, cysteine, and stearic acid, and their structures were confirmed by 1H NMR and gel permeation chromatography. (C18-Cys-mPEG)2 and ((C 18)2-Lys-Cys-mPEG)2 formed micelles with average diameters of 13 and 22 nm above the critical micelle concentration of 6.5 and 4.7 μg mL-1, respectively. The micelles of ((C 18)2-Lys-Cys-mPEG)2 containing more stearoyl groups showed encapsulated more hydrophobic indomethacin (IMC) with higher entrapment efficiencies than those of (C18-Cys-mPEG)2. The gemini surfactant micelles exhibited an accelerated release of encapsulated IMC with the concentration of the reducing agent, glutathione (GSH), whereas they were unaffected by the presence of reduced GSH (GSSG). The 3-(4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl) -2H-tetrazolium studies revealed the noncytotoxic nature of the gemini surfactant micelles. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. -
dc.publisher Wiley Blackwell -
dc.title Thiol-Responsive Micelles Based on Nonionic Gemini Surfactants with a Cystine Disulfide Spacer -
dc.type Article -
dc.identifier.doi 10.1002/pola.27036 -
dc.identifier.scopusid 2-s2.0-84891833668 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, v.52, no.4, pp.582 - 589 -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor biodegradable -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor disulfide-thiol exchange -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor drug delivery systems -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor micelles -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor stimuli-sensitive polymers -
dc.subject.keywordAuthor surfactants -
dc.subject.keywordPlus BLOCK-COPOLYMER MICELLES -
dc.subject.keywordPlus DRUG-DELIVERY -
dc.subject.keywordPlus REDUCTIVE CLEAVAGE -
dc.subject.keywordPlus POLYMERIC MICELLES -
dc.subject.keywordPlus DESIGN -
dc.subject.keywordPlus RELEASE -
dc.subject.keywordPlus SOLUBILIZATION -
dc.subject.keywordPlus BEHAVIOR -
dc.subject.keywordPlus SYSTEMS -
dc.subject.keywordPlus DYES -
dc.citation.endPage 589 -
dc.citation.number 4 -
dc.citation.startPage 582 -
dc.citation.title Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry -
dc.citation.volume 52 -
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Division of Biomedical Technology 1. Journal Articles
Division of AI, Big data and Block chain 1. Journal Articles


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