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DC Field Value Language Jang, Jae Eun - Lee, Gae Hwang - Song, Byoung Gwon - Cha, Seung Nam - Jung, Jae Eun - 2017-05-11T01:39:07Z - 2017-04-10 - 2013-02-01 -
dc.identifier.issn 0146-9592 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Submicrometer air gap structure has formed on diffuse reflection structure to improve light reflectance. Covering polymer or liquid on a diffuse reflector to make optical components induces the severe decrease of the total reflectance, since the diffuse reflected angle of some light rays is larger than the critical angle and the rays travel to the medium until meeting a proper small incident angle. The reflectance drops to 68% of the original value with just a polymer coating on the diffuse reflector. The formation of an air tunnel structure between the polymer layer and the diffuse reflector makes a symmetrical reflective index matching state and recovers 95% of the original reflectance. Due to the simple fabrication process and the chemical stability, the structure can be applied to various optical components and reflective display devices. © 2013 Optical Society of America. -
dc.publisher OSA - The Optical Society -
dc.title Enhancement of diffuse reflectance using air tunnel structure -
dc.type Article -
dc.identifier.doi 10.1364/OL.38.000290 -
dc.identifier.scopusid 2-s2.0-84873403113 -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation Optics Letters, v.38, no.3, pp.290 - 292 -
dc.citation.endPage 292 -
dc.citation.number 3 -
dc.citation.startPage 290 -
dc.citation.title Optics Letters -
dc.citation.volume 38 -
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Advanced Electronic Devices Research Group(AEDRG) - Jang Lab. 1. Journal Articles


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