Graphene/Ni-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) hybrid materials were synthesized by a hydrothermal reaction. Hexagonal Ni-Al LDH particles nucleated and grew on graphene sheets, thus preventing restacking of the graphene sheets and aggregation of the Ni-Al LDH nanoparticles upon drying. Electrode made from the graphene/Ni-Al LDH hybrid materials showed a substantial improvement in electrochemical capacitance relative to those made with pure Ni-Al LDH nanoparticles. In addition, the graphene/Ni-Al LDH hybrid composite materials showed remarkable stability after 4000 cycles with over 100% capacitance retention. These materials are thus very promising for use in electrochemical capacitor electrodes.
Research Interests
CO2 conversion to hydrocarbon fuels; Water splitting for hydrogen generation; Quantum dot devices; Dye sensitized solar cells; Environmental remediation; Synthesis of functional nanomaterials; CO2 연료전환; 수소생산을 위한 광전기화학적 물분해; 양자점 태양전지; 염료감응 태양전지; 공해물질 저감연구; 기능성 나노소재 개발