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Cooperative Data Scheduling in Hybrid Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: VANET as a Software Defined Network

Cooperative Data Scheduling in Hybrid Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: VANET as a Software Defined Network
Liu, KaiNg, Joseph K. Y.Lee, Victor C. S.Son, Sang H.Stojmenovic, Ivan
Issued Date
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, v.24, no.3, pp.1759 - 1773
Author Keywords
Cooperative data disseminationschedulingsoftware defined networkvehicular ad hoc networks
Ad hoc NetworksAdmission ControlAlgorithmsCentralized SchedulersCooperative CommunicationCooperative Data DisseminationDATA DISSemINATIONDELIVERYDemAND DATA BROADCASTDSRCInformation DisseminationMaximum Weighted Independent SetMobile Telecommunication SystemsPolynomial-Time ReductionPolynomial ApproximationRealistic TrafficsSchedulingScheduling DecisionsSender and ReceiversSignal ReceiversSoftware-Defined NetworksSoftware Defined NetworkSYSTemSTelecommunication NetworksV2V CommunicationsVehicle to Vehicle CommunicationsVehiclesVehicular AD Hoc Networks
This paper presents the first study on scheduling for cooperative data dissemination in a hybrid infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication environment. We formulate the novel problem of cooperative data scheduling (CDS). Each vehicle informs the road-side unit (RSU) the list of its current neighboring vehicles and the identifiers of the retrieved and newly requested data. The RSU then selects sender and receiver vehicles and corresponding data for V2V communication, while it simultaneously broadcasts a data item to vehicles that are instructed to tune into the I2V channel. The goal is to maximize the number of vehicles that retrieve their requested data. We prove that CDS is NP-hard by constructing a polynomial-time reduction from the Maximum Weighted Independent Set (MWIS) problem. Scheduling decisions are made by transforming CDS to MWIS and using a greedy method to approximately solve MWIS. We build a simulation model based on realistic traffic and communication characteristics and demonstrate the superiority and scalability of the proposed solution. The proposed model and solution, which are based on the centralized scheduler at the RSU, represent the first known vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) implementation of software defined network (SDN) concept. © 2015 IEEE.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
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  • Research Interests Real-time system; Wireless sensor network; Cyber-physical system; Data and event service; Information security; 실시간 임베디드 시스템
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science RTCPS(Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems) Lab 1. Journal Articles


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