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A preliminary study on surgical navigation for epiduroscopic laser neural decompression

A preliminary study on surgical navigation for epiduroscopic laser neural decompression
Jeon, SangseoLee, Gun WooJeon, Young DaePark, Il-HyungHong, JaesungKim, Jae-Do
Issued Date
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, v.229, no.10, pp.693 - 702
Author Keywords
Epiduroscopic laser neural decompressionfluoroscopyradiation doseelectromagnetic tracking systemsurgical navigation
AccuracyBRONCHOSCOPYCALIBRATIONChronic Low Back PainCLOSED-FORM SOLUTIONDosimetryELECTROMAGNETIC NAVIGATIONElectromagnetic Tracking SystemElectromagnetic Tracking SystemsElectronic Circuit TrackingENVIRONMENTEpiduroscopic Laser Neural DecompressionFluorescent ScreensFluoroscopyIMAGE-GUIDED THERAPYLaser AblationMedical ImagingNavigation SystemsPOINT-BASED REGISTRATIONPoint-Based RegistrationsRadiation DoseSurgerySurgical EquipmentSurgical NavigationSurgical Navigation SystemsTherapeutic ModalityTRACKINGTracking (Position)VISUALIZATION
Epiduroscopic laser neural decompression is an emerging therapeutic modality to treat lumbar spine pathologies including chronic low back pain, spinal stenosis, and disk herniation via catheter insertion followed by laser ablation of the lesion. Despite the efficacy of epiduroscopic laser neural decompression, excessive radiation doses due to fluoroscopy during epiduroscopic laser neural decompression have limited its widespread application. To address the issue, we propose a surgical navigation system to assist in epiduroscopic laser neural decompression procedures using radiation-free image guidance. An electromagnetic tracking system was used as the basic modality to track the internal location of the surgical instrument with respect to the patient body. Patient-to-image registration was carried out using the point-based registration method to determine the transformation between the coordinate system of the patient and that of the medical images. We applied the proposed system in epiduroscopic laser neural decompression procedures to assess its effectiveness, and the outcomes confirmed its clinical feasibility. To the best of our knowledge, this is a report on the first surgical navigation applied for epiduroscopic laser neural decompression procedure. © IMechE 2015.
SAGE Publications Ltd
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  • Research Interests Surgical Navigation; Surgical Robot; Medical Imaging; 영상 유도 수술 로봇; 수술 내비게이션
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Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Surgical Robotics & Augmented Reality Lab 1. Journal Articles


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