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An action potential-driven model of soleus muscle activation dynamics for locomotor-like movements

An action potential-driven model of soleus muscle activation dynamics for locomotor-like movements
Kim, HojeongSandercock, Thomas G.Heckman, C. J.
Issued Date
Journal of Neural Engineering, v.12, no.4
Author Keywords
muscle modelingactivation dynamicscat soleusspike excitationmuscle movementcomputer simulation
Action PotentialAction PotentialsActivation DynamicsAdultAnimalAnimalsArticleBiological ModelCalciumCalcium SignalingCARDIAC-MUSCLECATCat SoleusCatsChemical ActivationComputer SimulationControlled StudyCROSS-BRIDGE KINETICSDYNAMICSFeline ModelForce TransformationsFROG SKELETAL-MUSCLEGaitHumanHumansINDUCED FORCE DEPRESSIONLarge Scale SimulationsLENGTH DEPENDENCELOCOMOTIONMATHemATICAL-MODELModels, NeurologicalMotoneuronMotor NeuronsMOTOR UNITSMuscleMuscle ContractionMuscle ExcitationMuscle Isometric ContractionMuscle LengthMuscle ModelingMuscle MovementMuscle StrengthMuscle, SkeletalMusculoskeletal System ParametersNonhumanPhysiological FactorsPhysiological ModelsPhysiologyPriority JournalSARCOPLASMIC-RETICULUMSKELETAL-MUSCLESoleus MuscleSpike ExcitationSpinal MotoneuronsStatic and Dynamic ConditionsSTRIATED-MUSCLEWaveform
Objective. The goal of this study was to develop a physiologically plausible, computationally robust model for muscle activation dynamics (A(t)) under physiologically relevant excitation and movement. Approach. The interaction of excitation and movement on A(t) was investigated comparing the force production between a cat soleus muscle and its Hill-type model. For capturing A(t) under excitation and movement variation, a modular modeling framework was proposed comprising of three compartments: (1) spikes-to-[Ca2+]; (2) [Ca2+]-to-A; and (3) A-to-force transformation. The individual signal transformations were modeled based on physiological factors so that the parameter values could be separately determined for individual modules directly based on experimental data. Main results. The strong dependency of A(t) on excitation frequency and muscle length was found during both isometric and dynamically-moving contractions. The identified dependencies of A(t) under the static and dynamic conditions could be incorporated in the modular modeling framework by modulating the model parameters as a function of movement input. The new modeling approach was also applicable to cat soleus muscles producing waveforms independent of those used to set the model parameters. Significance. This study provides a modeling framework for spike-driven muscle responses during movement, that is suitable not only for insights into molecular mechanisms underlying muscle behaviors but also for large scale simulations. © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Institute of Physics Publishing
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  • 김호정 Kim, Hojeong 바이오메디컬연구부
  • Research Interests Movement science; Neuromuscular physiology; Computational Medicine; Neural interface
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