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Enabling location-aware quality-controlled access in wireless networks

Enabling location-aware quality-controlled access in wireless networks
Kim, Hwang NamKim, Hyun SoonLee, Suk KyuPark, Eun ChanPark, Kyung Joon
Issued Date
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, v.2011, no.1
Author Keywords
Service differentiationlocation-based serviceIEEE 802.11Hot Spots
Location-based services (LBSs), such as location-specific contents-providing services, presence services, and E-911 locating services, have recently been drawing much attention in wireless network community. Since LBSs rely on the location information in providing services and enhancing their service quality, we need to devise a framework of directly using the location information to provide a different level of service differentiation and/or fairness for them. In this paper, we investigate how to use location information for QoS provisioning in IEEE 802.11-based Hot Spot networks. Location-based service differentiation is different from existing QoS schemes in that it assigns different priority levels to different locations rather than flows or stations and schedules network resources to support the prioritized service levels. In order to realize such the location-based service differentiation, we introduce the concept of per-location target load to simply represent the desirable rate of traffic imposed to the network, which is dynamically changing due to the number of stations. The load consists of per-location load, which directly quantifies per-location usage of link capacity, and network-wide load, which indirectly calibrates the portion of per-location load contributed to the network-wide traffic. We then propose a feedback framework of provisioning service differentiation and/or fairness according to per-location target load. In the proposed framework, the load information is feedback to traffic senders and used to adjust their sending rate, so that per-location load does not deviate from a given per-location share of wireless link capacity and lays only tolerable traffic on the network in cooperation with other locations. We finally implemented the proposed framework in ns-2 simulator and conducted an extensive set of simulation study so as to evaluate its performance and effectiveness. The simulation results indicate that the proposed framework provides location-based service differentiation and/or fairness in IEEE 802.11 Hot Spot networks, regardless of the number of stations in a location, traffic types, or station mobility. © 2011, Kim et al; licensee Springer.
Related Researcher
  • 박경준 Park, Kyung-Joon
  • Research Interests Cyber-Physical Systems; Robot Operating System (ROS); Smart Manufacturing
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science CSI(Cyber-Physical Systems Integration) Lab 1. Journal Articles


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