Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title Author(s) Journal | View |
2020-09 |
FEBS Journal, v.287, no.17, pp.3841 - 3870, 2020-09 |
879 |
2023-06 |
Biomedicines, v.11, no.6, 2023-06 |
307 |
2018-05 |
American Chemical Society, 2018-05 |
461 |
2023-12 |
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1, 2023-12 |
37 |
2021-12 |
BMB Reports, v.54, no.12, pp.601 - 607, 2021-12 |
511 |
2022-02 |
BMB Reports, v.55, no.2, pp.72 - 80, 2022-02 |
459 |
2021-10 |
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, v.78, no.19-20, pp.6593 - 6603, 2021-10 |
257 |
2019-03 |
Academic Press, 2019-03 |
829 |