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Stretchable and suturable fibre sensors for wireless monitoring of connective tissue strain

Stretchable and suturable fibre sensors for wireless monitoring of connective tissue strain
Lee, JaehongIhle, Stephan J.Pellegrino, Guglielmo SalvatoreKim, HwajoongYea, JunwooJeon, Chang-YeopSon, Hee-ChangJin, ChaewonEberli, DanielSchmid, FlorianZambrano, Byron LlerenaRenz, Aline F.Forro, CsabaChoi, HongsooJang, Kyung-InKung, RolandVoros, Janos
Issued Date
Nature Electronics, v.4, no.4, pp.291 - 301
CollagenFibersInductive sensorsCapacitive responseConnective tissuesDouble-helical structuresImplantable sensorsMathematical analysisWireless monitoringCapacitive sensorsTendonsAttachment processClinical practices
Implantable sensors can be used to monitor biomechanical strain continuously. However, three key challenges need to be addressed before they can be of use in clinical practice: the structural mismatch between the sensors and tissue or organs should be eliminated; a practical suturing attachment process should be developed; and the sensors should be equipped with wireless readout. Here, we report a wireless and suturable fibre strain-sensing system created by combining a capacitive fibre strain sensor with an inductive coil for wireless readout. The sensor is composed of two stretchable conductive fibres organized in a double helical structure with an empty core, and has a sensitivity of around 12. Mathematical analysis and simulation of the sensor can effectively predict its capacitive response and can be used to modulate performance according to the intended application. To illustrate the capabilities of the system, we use it to perform strain measurements on the Achilles tendon and knee ligament in an ex vivo and in vivo porcine leg. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
Nature Publishing Group
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  • 이재홍 Lee, Jaehong 로봇및기계전자공학과
  • Research Interests Fiber electronics; wearable electronics; soft electronics; conductive fiber; implantable devices; electronic sutures
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Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Bio-Micro Robotics Lab 1. Journal Articles
Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Soft Bioelectronics Lab 1. Journal Articles
Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Bio-integrated Electronics Lab 1. Journal Articles


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