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Efficient visible light-induced H-2 production by Au@CdS/TiO2 nanofibers: Synergistic effect of core-shell structured Au@CdS and densely packed TiO2 nanoparticles

Efficient visible light-induced H-2 production by Au@CdS/TiO2 nanofibers: Synergistic effect of core-shell structured Au@CdS and densely packed TiO2 nanoparticles
Kim, MinjuKim, Young KwangLim, Sang KyooKim, SoonhyunIn, Su-Ii
Issued Date
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, v.166, pp.423 - 431
Author Keywords
Solar H-2 productionAuCdSTiO2TiO2 nanofibers
AUCadmium SulfideCARBON NANOTUBESCdSCompact StructuresCONSTRUCTIONDEGRADATIONElectron TransferETHANOL-WATER MIXTURESGENERATIONGOLDGold DepositsIrradiationLightLight AbsorptionNANOCRYSTALSNanofibersPHOTOCATALYTIC HYDROGEN-PRODUCTIONProduction EfficiencyShells (Structures)Solar H-2 ProductionSOLAR HYDROGENSynergistic EffectTiOTiO2TiO2 NanofibersTITANIA NANofIBERSTitanium DioxideTransfer ElectronsVisible IrradiationZ-SCHemE
Semiconductor-based photocatalysts for solar H2 generation has attracted significant attention because of its great potential for low-cost and clean H2 production. In this study, we prepared a core-shell structured Au at CdS on TiO2 nanofibers (Au at CdS/TNF) and investigated its photocatalytic H2 production under visible (λ>420nm) irradiation. Photocatalysts, including Au-deposited CdS/TNF (Au/CdS/TNF) and commercially available TiO2 (P25) instead of TNF, were investigated to determine the effect of a core-shell structured Au at CdS and the role of the TNF. Compared with CdS/TNF and Au/CdS/TNF, the Au at CdS/TNF exhibited strongly enhanced H2 production under visible irradiation. Furthermore, H2 production on Au at CdS/TNF was significantly enhanced compared to Au at CdS/P25. These results can be attributed to the synergistic effect of the core-shell structured Au at CdS and the compact structure of TNF. The core-shell structured Au at CdS may inhibit the formation of CdSO4 from CdS and the Au core could transfer electrons from CdS to TiO2 without any screening effect for light absorption by CdS. Moreover, interparticle electron transfer is more favorable for TNF than P25 due to the well-aligned TNF framework. This work demonstrates the synergistic effects of TiO2-based photocatalysts for the improvement of solar H2 production efficiency. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Elsevier B.V.
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