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Size-tunable synthesis of monolayer MoS2 nanoparticles and their applications in non-volatile memory devices

Size-tunable synthesis of monolayer MoS2 nanoparticles and their applications in non-volatile memory devices
Jeon, JaehoLee, JinheeYoo, GwangwePark, Jin-HongYeom, Geun YoungJang, Yun HeeLee, Sungjoo
Issued Date
Nanoscale, v.8, no.38, pp.16995 - 17003
ACTIVE EDGE SITESCHARGEChemical ConfigurationChemical Vapor DepositionCrystalline QualityData Storage EquipmentDensity Functional TheoryDigital StorageDistribution UniformityFILMSFLOATING-GATEFloating GatesGROWTHHydrogen Flow RateLAYER MOS2Molybdenum CompoundsMonolayersNanoclustersNANOCRYSTALSNanoparticle SizesNANOPARTICLESNon-Volatile Memory TechnologyNonvolatile StorageQuality ControlQuantum DotsReaction ProcessSULFURSynthesis (Chemical)TRANSISTORS
We report the CVD synthesis of a monolayer of MoS2 nanoparticles such that the nanoparticle size was controlled over the range 5-100 nm and the chemical potential of sulfur was modified, both by controlling the hydrogen flow rate during the CVD process. As the hydrogen flow rate was increased, the reaction process of sulfur changed from a "sulfiding" process to a "sulfo-reductive" process, resulting in the growth of smaller MoS2 nanoparticles on the substrates. The size control, crystalline quality, chemical configuration, and distribution uniformity of the CVD-grown monolayer MoS2 nanoparticles were confirmed. The growth of the MoS2 nanoparticles at different edge states was studied using density functional theory calculations to clarify the size-tunable mechanism. A non-volatile memory device fabricated using the CVD-grown size-controlled 5 nm monolayer MoS2 nanoparticles as a floating gate showed a good memory window of 5-8 V and an excellent retention period of a decade. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Royal Society of Chemistry
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  • Research Interests Multiscale molecular modeling (quantum mechanics calculation; molecular dynamics simulation) : Supercomputer-assisted molecular-level understanding of materials and their chemistry; which leads to rational design of high-performance organic-inorganic-hybrid materials for clean and renewable energy as well as low-energy-consumption electronic devices
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Department of Energy Science and Engineering CMMM Lab(Curious Minds Molecular Modeling Laboratory) 1. Journal Articles


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