Showing results 1 to 23 of 23
Issue Date | Title Author(s) Journal | View |
2024-04 |
Current Research in Biotechnology, v.7, 2024-04 |
31 |
2017-02 | 663 | |
2016-10-15 |
Brain Research, v.1649, pp.166 - 172, 2016-10-15 |
831 |
2015-10 |
Stem Cells, v.33, no.10, pp.3052 - 3064, 2015-10 |
766 |
2016-04 |
Molecular Brain, v.9, no.1, 2016-04 |
853 |
2017-05 |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v.486, no.4, pp.1014 - 1020, 2017-05 |
711 |
2022-10 |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v.626, pp.135 - 141, 2022-10 |
218 |
2017-04 |
Scientific Reports, v.7, no.1, 2017-04 |
906 |
2017 |
BMB Reports, v.50, no.1, pp.43 - 48, 2017 |
680 |
2023 |
DGIST, 2023 |
136 |
2014-07 |
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, v.38, no.1, pp.239 - 250, 2014-07 |
665 |
2021-04 |
The Biochemical Society of the Republic of Korea, 2021-04 |
316 |
2022-02 |
Science of the Total Environment, v.807, no.2, pp.150817, 2022-02 |
666 |
2017-08 |
Journal of Biological Chemistry, v.292, no.33, pp.13795 - 13808, 2017-08 |
1048 |
2010 |
Korean Society of Environmental Risk Assessment and Health Science, 2010 |
686 |
2019-10 |
Academic Press, 2019-10 |
543 |
2015-05 |
Molecular Brain, v.8, no.1, 2015-05 |
839 |
2015 |
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015 |
789 |
2017-03 |
Journal of Clinical Investigation, v.127, no.3, pp.954 - 969, 2017-03 |
661 |
2015 | 859 | |
2023 |
DGIST, 2023 |
64 |
2016-03 | 908 | |
2013-08 |
Cell Biology and Toxicology, v.29, no.4, pp.259 - 272, 2013-08 |
478 |