Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Date | Title Author(s) Journal | View |
2016-09 |
IEEE Communications Letters, v.20, no.9, pp.1820 - 1823, 2016-09 |
800 |
2016-08 |
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, v.27, no.8, pp.1022 - 1029, 2016-08 |
616 |
2016-03 |
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, v.12, no.3, 2016-03 |
713 |
2016-07 |
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, v.65, no.7, pp.1518 - 1529, 2016-07 |
567 |
2016-08 |
PLoS ONE, v.11, no.8, 2016-08 |
643 |
2016-03 |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v.65, no.3, pp.1244 - 1260, 2016-03 |
719 |
2017-05 |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v.66, no.5, pp.3749 - 3764, 2017-05 |
666 |
2010-09 |
Reactive and Functional Polymers, v.70, no.9, pp.622 - 629, 2010-09 |
650 |
2016 |
IEEE Access, v.4, pp.1385 - 1392, 2016 |
684 |
2015-08 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, v.45, no.8, pp.1151 - 1164, 2015-08 |
705 |
2016-03 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v.2016, 2016-03 |
999 |
2016 |
Nanoscale, v.8, no.16, pp.8995 - 9003, 2016 |
686 |
2016-03-15 |
Bioinformatics, v.32, no.6, pp.801 - 807, 2016-03-15 |
772 |