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Gene regulatory cascade of senescence-associated NAC transcription factors activated by ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE2-mediated leaf senescence signalling in Arabidopsis

Gene regulatory cascade of senescence-associated NAC transcription factors activated by ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE2-mediated leaf senescence signalling in Arabidopsis
Kim, Hyo JungHong, Sung HyunKim, You WangLee, Il HwanJun, Ji HyungPhee, Bong-KwanRupak, TimilsinaJeong, HanaLee, YeonmiHong, Byoung SeokNam, Hong GilWoo, Hye RyunLim, Pyung Ok
Issued Date
Journal of Experimental Botany, v.65, no.14, pp.4023 - 4036
Author Keywords
ArabidopsisEIN2-mediated senescence signallingEIN3geneNAC transcription factor
Leaf senescence is a finely tuned and genetically programmed degeneration process, which is critical to maximize plant fitness by remobilizing nutrients from senescing leaves to newly developing organs. Leaf senescence is a complex process that is driven by extensive reprogramming of global gene expression in a highly coordinated manner. Understanding how gene regulatory networks involved in controlling leaf senescence are organized and operated is essential to decipher the mechanisms of leaf senescence. It was previously reported that the trifurcate feed-forward pathway involving EIN2, ORE1, and miR164 in Arabidopsis regulates age-dependent leaf senescence and cell death. Here, new components of this pathway have been identified, which enhances knowledge of the gene regulatory networks governing leaf senescence. Comparative gene expression analysis revealed six senescence-associated NAC transcription factors (TFs) (ANAC019, AtNAP, ANAC047, ANAC055, ORS1, and ORE1) as candidate downstream components of ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE2 (EIN2). EIN3, a downstream signalling molecule of EIN2, directly bound the ORE1 and AtNAP promoters and induced their transcription. This suggests that EIN3 positively regulates leaf senescence by activating ORE1 and AtNAP, previously reported as key regulators of leaf senescence. Genetic and gene expression analyses in the ore1 atnap double mutant revealed that ORE1 and AtNAP act in distinct and overlapping signalling pathways. Transient transactivation assays further demonstrated that ORE1 and AtNAP could activate common as well as differential NAC TF targets. Collectively, the data provide insight into an EIN2-mediated senescence signalling pathway that coordinates global gene expression during leaf senescence via a gene regulatory network involving EIN3 and senescence- associated NAC TFs. © 2014 The Author.
Oxford University Press
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  • 우혜련 Woo, Hye Ryun
  • Research Interests Genome biology; Epigenomics; Plant senescence
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Department of New Biology CBRG(Complex Biology Research Group) 1. Journal Articles
Department of New Biology Lab of Plant Molecular Communication 1. Journal Articles
Department of New Biology Plant Senescence Laboratory 1. Journal Articles


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