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Maintenance Robot for 5-MW Offshore Wind Turbines and its Control

Maintenance Robot for 5-MW Offshore Wind Turbines and its Control
Lee, Dong GunOh, SehoonSon, Hyoung Il
Issued Date
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, v.21, no.5, pp.2272 - 2283
Author Keywords
Force controlindustrial controlmotion controlrobot kinematicswind energy
Attitude ControlBLADESENVIRONMENTForce ControlHybrid Position/Force ControlImpedance ControlIndustrial ControlIndustrial ControlsLeast Squares ApproximationsLinear Least-Squares MethodMaintenance RobotsManipulatorsMECHANISMSMobile PhonesMOTION CONTROLNon Holonomic ConstraintOffshore Wind TurbinesOperation and MaintenanceRobot KinematicsRoboticsRobustness (Control Systems)STABILITYTRACKINGTurbine ComponentsTurbomachine BladesUltrasonic ApplicationsUltrasonic TestingWind EnergyWind PowerWind TurbinesWire-Driven Parallel Mechanisms
This paper presents a novel gigantic robotic system for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of 5-MW offshore wind turbines. The robotic system consists of a mobile platform and two manipulators. The mobile platform performs vertical climbing on the turbines' towers and blades using a wire-driven parallel mechanism, while the manipulators perform cleaning and inspection using phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) devices, which require normal directional contact with the blade. For achieving the vertical climbing motion, height, and attitude control schemes are proposed, which overcome limitations such as varying nonholonomic constraints and unknown initial positions. For the manipulators' tasks, hybrid position/force control schemes using the linear least-squares method are proposed for achieving the conditions of the PAUT devices that allow inspection images to be captured under wind disturbance. To validate the robustness of our robotic system and control schemes in the environment of the 5-MW offshore wind turbines, we conducted a highly realistic experiment that involved part of a full-size tower and blade, and a wind velocity of 6.51 m/s. The results of this experiment show that the proposed robotic system and control schemes have sufficient robustness against wind disturbance to allow the O&M of 5-MW offshore wind turbines. © 2016 IEEE.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
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  • Research Interests Research on Human-friendly motion control; Development of human assistance;rehabilitation system; Design of robotic system based on human musculoskeletal system; Analysis of human walking dynamics and its application to robotics; 친인간적인 운동제어 설계연구; 인간 보조;재활 시스템의 설계 및 개발연구; 인간 근골격계에 기초한 로봇기구 개발연구; 보행운동 분석과 모델 및 로봇기구에의 응용
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Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering MCL(Motion Control Lab) 1. Journal Articles


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