Intelligent Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab20

Our research focuses on the development and verification of energy-efficient, high-performance mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) architectures in CMOS technologies. In particular, our research interest includes the following areas:
1) Artificial intelligence (AI)-integrated IC for applications in edge robotics and the Tactile Internet,
2) In-memory, near-memory, and processing-in-memory architectures using the next-generation memory,
3) Low-latency transceiver IC for applications in the Tactile Internet,
4) High-speed parallel transceiver supporting various Ethernet standards.
Any research topic not listed above can be considered as our future research area. We are looking for self-motivated students. Please send your CV and transcript to jonghyeok.yoon at if you are interested.!


Advisor Professor : Yoon, Jong-Hyeok
Intelligent Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab Homepage